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Brad Williams
Comments by "Brad Williams" (@samsabastian5560) on "Biographics" channel.
Katie B Actually Ned Kelly never said those words on the gallows. It was a common saying at the time and he may have said it at some time, but certainly not on the gallows.
Jinx Dragon Your comment is wrong. Squatters did settle on land and there were some issues regarding settlers. However, the Victoria government enacted the Lands Act that gave settlers rights. By 1869 the matter was settled in favour of the settlers. It should also be noted that at the time of the Kelly outbreak there were no squatters left in the Greta area. Kelly was actually stealing horses from poor settlers, often taking their only horse that effectively sent them bankrupt. The police acted properly regarding the Kelly's as the Royal Commission found. Your comment is mythological nonsense.
DRUNK The reputation of Victoria police in the Kelly era was very much intact as the Royal Commission found.
@edmunns8825 The evidence clearly shows he WAS a murderer. You claim he tried to protect his family. He did nothing of the sort. He shot Constable Fitzpatrick then ran off and left his mother and other relatives to face the music. After robbing the banks not one penny of those funds went to his mother or his sisters, and it was a police officer in Benalla that raised money for the Kelly woman to ensure they did not starve. So if you claim the facts are different, let's see what you have got. Because frankly, you are repeating myths, lies and falsehoods.
DillyDyson007 What I have written is factual. What is in this doco is seriously tainted with fictional myths. My information is provided by professional historians with PhD's on the subject. So what is your version Dilly?
@scarto3887 Then prove it knife. You are again quoting myths and lies. Only two superintendents were recommended for retirement. The government rejected that, reinstated both of them and a few weeks later appointed them both police magistrates. Sgt Steele was recommended to be broken to the ranks. It never happened due to public support for the officer. Only 3 police were dismissed, and they were the police at Sherritts house. You are very consistent with your lies aren't you. Show us what you got. I can guarantee you will come back with a big fat O.
@FinbarCharlesBarton0 Melbourne is named after Lord Melbourne who was prime minister of the UK at the time.
@scarto3887 You picked a great name there son. Here is what it means. " reject, waste, scrap." You got it right for a change.
Dougie, so you want more bank robbers, murderers, stand over thugs, thieves? What a silly comment to make.
@sheepdog4041 Fitzpatrick was NOT given an instruction not to go to the Kelly home. Again, you are a liar.
@metalmatt3431 I am simply telling you and others that your view of Ned Kelly is one very screwed up view, and it does not reflect the facts at all. Your claim to be a patriot is a bit off target too. You are clearly very uneducated on Ned Kelly and his criminal associates and it shows. Those who adorn themselves with Ned Kelly tattoos are clearly uneducated, illiterate and probably have a very low IQ. What did the local papers say about Ned Kelly at the time? Here is one editorial from a Benalla paper. "The Kelly Family are notorious in this district and their names are as familiar as household words. The home of the family has been the rendezvous of thieves and criminals for years, and indeed has been the centre of crime that almost surpasses belief. They lived on the Eleven-Mile Creek between Winton and Greta and made a living by horse stealing and theft. They were surrounded by neighbours of the same bad reputation and it was notorious that to obtain evidence or arrest the accused owing to the network of confederates for miles around was almost impossible." Maybe, just maybe if you were better educated on the subject you would not be so gung ho with your comments, and would learn that Ned Kelly was scum through and through as the facts show. However, if you are hell-bent on adorning yourself with criminal paraphernalia, be my guest.
@metalmatt3431 Well Matt, if you claim to be a patriot, you would not be promoting a man who murdered, held up banks, took hostages at gunpoint and threatened them with death if they disobeyed him. He stole from poor settlers and then stood over them with the Greta Mob and threatened to do them more harm if that had the audacity to report the theft to the police. In many instances Ned Kelly's actions guaranteed that many poor settlers went bankrupt as he had taken the only horse they had. He was a stand over thug through and through. No real patriot would promote a criminal of that calibre.
@metalmatt3431 If you are educated as you claim, why would you laud a serious criminal who was a stand over thug to poor settlers? Ned Kelly was a man who murdered, who took hostages and threatened them with death if they disobeyed, robbed banks that held poor settlers hard-earned cash, and stole horses from poor settlers effectively sending them bankrupt. Bear in mind that Ned Kelly never uttered those words 'Such is Life' on the gallows. I am sure we will all be very interested in your answer, or educated one.
Jacobite The Pumpkin Legends do not murder, hold up banks, rob from poor settlers, use stand over tactics, take hostages or lie. Your comment is nonsense.
@Pablo-nc6qu The reporter made it up to enhance his story.
@mista2621 Not very bright are you?
@alonsocushing2263 The only police that were sacked were the 3 police officers who were supposed to be guarding Aaron Sherritt. No other officers were sacked.
@jornavyr2459 The answer to that is quite simple. There are numerous records from the period. Official government, police, courts, newspapers, letters to editors etc. What I state has generally been researched by professional historians with PhD's on the subject. Not 200 years.
@jamesstevens8009 John Monash was not in Jerilderie when Ned Kelly was there. He was in Melbourne with his mother. You have been deceived by fictitious nonsense sport.
@C C And tell us CC who was he at war with? He was just a very serious criminal who in the end got his just deserts.
@godzilladude1231 If you believe that nonsense you are being led up the garden path. Most police in rural Victoria were well respected as they kept the towns folk safe from the Kelly scourge.
@godzilladude1231 So according to you Louis, it's OK to murder police? What a disgraceful piece of ............ you are.
Revered by buggered. Normal people know he was just a very serious criminal, and he is despised.
@jimboblordofeskimos Your suggestion that they had been granted to freed convicts is not quite true. Most of the land grants were given to FREE settlers who came to the colony of Victoria by their own free will. Many of the squatters just took the land without a title. By 1869 the Lands Act effectively removed the Squatters and the settlers won that battle big time. That was well before the Kelly outbreak. Your comment is somewhat off track regarding trespass etc.
@adamroodog1718 Ned Kelly did not give his mother one penny as the result of his thieving, so who did he spread the money around too?
@adamroodog1718 The Mick Jagger movie was fiction through and through. Almost nothing factual at all. Just promoting myths invented by Kelly fans.
@timwoodward8113 So where is your evidence to support your statement regarding the "dirty racist mungrul (sic) coppers". You have no idea tim, you have no idea at all.
Carl, Kelly had to pay his criminal supporters who hid stolen horses on their land.
@jadethornton7975 I suggest you read 3 books. The Kelly Gang Unmasked Ian MacFarlane. Ned Kelly A Lawless Life Dr. Doug Morrissey. Ned Kelly Selectors, Squatters and Stock Thieves Dr Doug Morrissey. Both of those authors are expert in the Kelly era and destroy the myths that proliferate regarding Ned Kelly. After reading those, you will have a very clear understanding of just how serious a criminal Ned Kelly was.
@alonsocushing2263 Although the RC recommended some members be retired, some reduced to the ranks, some demoted and some sacked, only 3 junior police were sacked. Supts. Nicolson and Hare, who had been stood down, were re-instated by the government and a few weeks later were promoted to become police magistrates. Sgt Steele, who was recommended to be reduced to the ranks following a false allegation that he shot at Margaret Reardon as she was escaping from the hotel, was cleared of that made up nonsense in 1882. The townsfolk at Wangaratta held public meetings and were scathing of the RC recommendation regarding Steele. He retained his rank until he retired. No other police were reduced in rank, and the only officers dismissed were the three who were in Aaron Sherritts hut when he was murdered. They had no right of appeal.
@Adroyo The rank and file police officers were not corrupt as the Royal Commission found.
@H0901-l4u Actually there is no evidence to support your comment anywhere. Ned Kelly was a murderer and a very serious criminal. He did not want social justice, he just wanted the authorities to leave him alone, so he could carry on his criminal ways uninterrupted.
lefthook southpaw If you are born in Australia, you are Australian. Ned Kelly always considered himself Australian.
Captain Cook Hero's do not murder, rob banks, take hostages and threaten them with death. Hero's do not rob from poor settlers often taking the only horse they had which sent them bankrupt. Hero's do not stand-over their victims and threaten to do them more harm. How can you realistically suggest that a person of this ilk is a hero?
lefthook southpaw Ned Kelly often told people that he considered himself Australian. He was born here of Irish parents. Fact.
@rossyeaah Hero's do not murder, take hostages, rob banks, stand over their victims, and thieve from poor people, as Ned Kelly did. Take a good hard look at yourself Ross.
nick hazelwood Ned Kelly does not qualify in any way shape or form as a legend. You would do well to go back to school and learn how to spell.
@curtisbranagan So true, yet Ned Kelly never uttered those words on the gallows. Mythological nonsense as usual.
alex williamson Actually, I think you mean farrier, not ferrier.
@belle.m REALLY? You have no idea and what you are saying is nonsense. Ned Kelly ambushed the police party at Stringybark Creek and murdered 3 police without giving them an opportunity to surrender or even draw a weapon. He chased Sgt Kennedy for 800 metres through the bush before murdering him too. So if you claim this is incorrect, let's see some evidence for your fake story.
@chrisl.5637 Sadly The Last Outlaw is also a work of fiction through and through.
Grandmaster Zodd. Ned Kelly knew the horse was stolen and he stated that to two witnesses that gave evidence against him at his trial. Kelly intended to sell the horse for profit. Your comment is following the mythological nonsense that claims Kelly was falsely accused when in fact he was not. Get your facts straight sport. Your comment that the arresting police officer hit him with a pistol is true. It was not long after relatives of Kelly had almost killed the police officer by belting him over the head with a stirrup iron on the end of a stirrup leather. He was almost killed by this brutal attack by Kelly's relatives.
@godzilladude1231 My source is real and I have provided the reference.
@godzilladude1231 I have looked for those books. Double Trouble relates to issues that are recent and does not relate to issues in the 1870s. People reading that book call into question the authenticity and truth of what has been written. e.g. shootouts with other police in the streets of Melbourne. Adventures of the Pacific appears to have no relevance at all, and clearly is repeating made up myths about Ned Kelly's trial. The facts speak very differently about what actually happened, which was confirmed by the RC as previously stated where I have given you a reference. The RC in no way confirmed there was corruption or harassment regarding Kelly's trial. the commissioners were almost ALL anti-police, but they found there was no corruption or harassment. Can you please provide what Day said in that book with a full quote thanks if he is supposed to be quoting from the RC? I seek the truth and willing to read your material in the interests of getting the truth out there.
@godzilladude1231 Well here is what the 1881 anti police Royal Commission commissioners said about police corruption. What is shown below comes directly from the RC. So if you say there is a document that disproves this and supports your statement - lets see it. Far too much nonsense has been written by Kelly fans lauding a very serious criminal. "It may also be mentioned that the charge of persecution of the family by the members of the police force has been frequently urged in extenuation of the crimes of the outlaws; but, after careful examination, your Commissioners have arrived at the conclusion that the police, in their dealings with the Kelly's and their relations, were simply desirous of discharging their duty conscientiously; and that no evidence has been adduced to support the allegation that either the outlaws or their friends were subjected to persecution or unnecessary annoyance at the hands of the police." Over to you Louis
@godzilladude1231 You are so wrong with your comment. How about presenting some proof to support what you are saying. You claim the police support were of English stock. You are wrong with that statement. At the time of the Kelly outbreak 82% of the police in Victoria were either born in Ireland or descendants of Irish stock. If you claim the Irish were harassed, where is the evidence of this? In my extensive readings of historical documents, there is not a shred anywhere to support what you are saying. It has certainly been written in books by Kelly fans, without a scrap of evidence in support anywhere. So let's see some evidence please. Enlighten me with the evidence.
@godzilladude1231 Then can you please explain why the townsfolk held public meetings to farewell the local police officer and give him gifts and money, as they had kept the towns free from the Kelly scourge. There were some corrupt police, but I believe they were in Melbourne not so much in country areas. Show us some evidence to support your claim. Also, at what time was this supposed to be occurring? Police supervision was strong in country Victoria as Constable Fitzpatrick found out, when he was dismissed without being given a reason.
@jadethornton7975 If you say the police were very corrupt, where is the evidence to support your statement. The Royal Commission found that the police acted properly regarding the criminal activities of Ned Kelly and his associates. Ned Kelly was just a very serious criminal. It appears that you have been reading fiction and believing it.
Colin, you have learnt nothing have you. Still pushing the myths regarding Kelly. Time you woke up sport.
Dieter Jones, except Ned Kelly never uttered those words on the gallows. Just another made up myth.