Comments by "" (@DavidJ222) on "Voting Rights: A Continued Fight for the Ballot Citizen By CNN" video.
“I don’t want everybody to vote,” Paul Weyrich, an influential conservative activist, said in 1980. “As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”
A GOP precinct chair in Utah wrote on Facebook this week that he thinks giving voting rights to women was a “grave mistake.”
“The more I study history, the more I think giving voting rights to others not head of household has been a grave mistake,” Casey Fisher, a Davis County precinct chair who oversees Republican caucuses in his district.
Fisher deleted both the post and his Facebook account when he began receiving angry messages,(too late!🤣)
according to Davis County GOP chairwoman Teena Horlacher, who defended Fisher in an interview with The Salt Lake Tribune.
And there you have it folks. If the Republican party gets it's way, people will start to lose their right to vote in the future.
Vote 💙 like your very right to vote, and our democratic republic depends on it. Because it literally does.
"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy."
-- David Frum
And that's exactly what we're seeing now.
If the Republican party were to ever achieve their goal of turning America into an authoritarianDystopia, the very first thing they're going to do, is take away your right to bear arms. They won't have any other choice. Just look at every other AuthoritarianRegimes throughout history. They didn't allow their people to haveGuns. Because that would be an existential threat to their power over you. Just look atChina, NorthKorea, theSovietUnion, and evenRussia today. Your right to vote and your right to free speech will be the next thing they take. And don't make the mistake of thinking that you'll be spared simply because you vote republican.
I'm sure this is something that supporters of the attempted coup have never considered or even contemplated.
“The actions of government, we are told, bear down only on imprudent souls who provoke them. The man who resigns himself and keeps silent is always safe. Reassured by this worthless and specious argument, we do not protest against the oppressors. Instead we find fault with the victims. Nobody knows how to be brave even prudentially. Everyone stays silent, keeping his head low in the self-deceiving hope of disarming the powers that be with his silence. People give despotism free access, flattering themselves that they will be treated with consideration. Eyes to the ground, each person walks in silence along the narrow path, leading him safely to the tomb.”
― Benjamin Constant, Principles of Politics Applicable to All Governments.
In Mar, 2019, a woman takes the stage at an event hosted by Steve Bannon and calls for a Trump dictatorship.
“Never in my life did I think I would like to see a dictator,” the woman told the crowd. “But if there’s going to be one, I want it to be Trump.” Bannon then clapped and smiled.
People who have seen this clip were shocked and appalled. Not only does the woman claim that she never thought she would agree with a dictatorship crushing the U.S., she fully supports the idea of Trump being that dictator, and single-handedly ruling over the nation.
While the woman’s words alone should strike fear into your heart for the fate of our country, the audience’s response is the most telling.
There was not a moment of concern on many of the attendees’ faces. Instead, many of the attendees, like Bannon, were grinning from ear to ear as they applauded the outrageous idea of elevating Trump to a dictator.
The woman’s comment and the crowd’s reaction is a serious cause for concern.
Why continue as a democracy when we can go the way of Russia&Venezuela?
And these very same people have the audacity to call themselves "patriots."
Nope!! Election fraud happens on the Republican side.
As a general rule, if you want to know what Republicans are guilty of, just pay attention to what they're falsely accusing others of doing.
Back in March 2020, a FloridaWoman and Trump supporter, wasArrested after filing nearly 120 false voter registration forms, investigators said. The Lake County Sheriff’s OfficeArrested Cheryl Hall for voter registration fraud.
Authorities said they were able to connect Hall to the falsified documents because of serial numbers on the applications.
Most of the application issues were related to party affiliation changes. Officials said they aren’t sure if the fraud was the result of just one person or if more people are involved.
“Voters begin calling here last week, telling us that they had begun receiving new voter information cards from our office indicating that (they had been changed) from registered Democrats to registered Republican Party members,” said Alan Hays , the Lake County supervisor of elections. "Voters denied filling out that form that would make that change.”
An investigation was launched and found more than 100 false applications. Officials say several of the applications were “completed by someone whose handwriting was almost identical on each of those applications.”
This year, a judge sentenced a Las Vegas man to probation on a charge he voted twice in the 2020 election by mailing in hisDeceasedWife’s ballot.
DonaldHartle forged hisDeceasedWife's
signature and then mailed in a ballot using her name for the 2020 election, the Nevada Attorney General’s Office announced.
Hartle is the chief financial officer at Ahern Rentals, which hosted a rally for Trump last September. The umbrella company also hosted a :Q"Conference earlier this year at the Ahern Hotel off the Las Vegas Strip.
Sounds about right.
Go figure.
Hartle, a 55-year-old registered Republican from Las Vegas, was charged with two counts of voter fraud for using the name of another person and voting more than once in the same election, the AG said in a statement
In court Hartle pleaded guilty to one charge of voting more than once in the same election.
Hartle appeared virtually in court, where he reached a deal with prosecutors to avoid prison time.
Judge Carli Kierny also fined Hartle $2,000 as part of the plea agreement. The original Category D felony carried a maximum prison sentence of four years.
“Ultimately to me, this seems like a cheap political stunt that kind of backfired and shows that our voting system actually works because you were ultimately caught,” Kierny told Hartle in court.
“I would like to say that I accept full responsibility for my actions and regret them, and I’m thankful for your consideration,” Kirk Hartle told the judge Tuesday.
“Though rare, voter fraud can undercut trust in our election system,” Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said in a statement. “This particular case of voter fraud was particularly egregious because the offender continually spread inaccurate information about our elections despite being the source of fraud himself. I am glad to see Mr. Hartle being held accountable for his actions."