Comments by "marksnyder8022" (@marksnyder8022) on "Turkey’s Paramilitary Unit Member Blames US For Earthquakes, Says West Wants To Oust Erdogan" video.
What is hilarious is that Ruzzia claims to have this capability with supercallifragillisticexpiallodocius torpedoes that can cause tsunamis and earthquakes (lions and tigers and bears, oh my!). They are hostile to NATO (Turkey is a member) and they have no regard for human life, so... Blame the Americans? Bit of a reach, but when you are trapped in your own ideology, wtf. However, if we can do that, and we are willing to use it, why act all big and bad toward us? Pretty suicidal f you ask me. And if we can do this, would we waste the time sending tanks, etc.?
BIDEN: Release the Kraken!
STAFFER: Umm, sir, it's called HAARP?
BIDEN: None of your Malarkey, boy, I want the Kremlin to shake the way I do every morning!