Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance."
@malvolio01 There was NO such "identity" as "palestinian" at that time ! Please check the 1922 Census, “Report and General Abstracts of the Census of 1922 by JB Barron” and only found 757,000 people IN TOTAL : including Jews,(83,794), Christians,(73,024), Arabs (590,890) but NO ONE “identifying” AS “palestinian” because THAT was the COLONIAL name and they hated the BRITISH.
The KGB CREATED this “Palestinian” identity in 1964 through Yasser Arafat !
Before 1964, NO Arabs even called themselves “Palestinian” because the Holy Land was ALWAYS known to Arabs by the common Arabic name for this region "Yahuda wa - Samara", never “palestine”.
Haj Amin Al Husseini, Head of the Arab League and later The Higher Arab Committee said the same in 1937, when approached by the British to discuss a “Palestinian” state. They said war would be declared on any “Palestinian state”, as it was NOT a muslim name, because “Palestinians” did not exist in the Qu'ran etc.. As a result, that term had always been seen by Arabs ONLY as a British/Zionist term used in the late 1800s from the beginnings of “Zionism” as a DESCRIPTOR of the area of Land that had hitherto been the Kingdoms of Israel.
The Ottomans had NEVER called it “palestine” or even referred to it as “palestine” at any time in their 400 years of occupation.
The area was referred to, ONLY eve,r as the three “Sanjaks of Tripolis, Antiochi and Jerusalem”
Before 1964, NO Arabs even called themselves “Palestinian”
Only a few years after Arafat had followed KGB advice and re-adopted the British Mandate name of “Palestine”, Zuheir Mohsen a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, declared in his 1977 interview with Trouwe newspaper, "There's no such thing as a separate Palestinian people, there's no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese... the Palestinian “identity” exists ONLY for tactical reasons.
The creation of a Palestinian state is a NEW instrument in our ongoing war against the state of Israel and for the purpose of our Arab unity".
Ollie ? I don't think it is an "either / or" question between "silly" and "Sinister". From psychological studies I read on how susceptible Germans were to N*z* "brainwashing", as well as findings re "The Stockholm Syndrome", it appears a certain level of insecurity coupled with reduced intelligence, is needed FIRST before the more sinister "Propaganda" can take hold or gain traction ? Someone raised to relatively believe and trust in their OWN perceptions, is FAR more likely to have the confidence to resist, or go AGAINST "group pressure" when faced with ideas or acts that ARE "sinister". Someone without that self confidence and trust, is far more likely to go along with something they do not believe in BECAUSE of the group pressure. Then, once one has said or done something to cross that morality line, self justification OF that "line cross" takes over to further and further "excuse/explain" one's actions until you BECOME the actual "sinister" ?
Hence most special Forces screen OUT those less secure, as they are a weak link. Patti Hearst was an example of that "silly"/ insecurity, being held HOSTAGE by ter**ists then JOINING them once "freed",
The book "Ordinary Men" goes into how "The Sinister" in SS and Police Units would "Initiate" the weak (the silly) by goading them to commit that first step/act, then once committed that self justification process would complete the process ? ?
"The sinister" are the Activists who goad and manipulate the silly/weak until they cross their internal threshold by name calling, then once done, silly transmutes INTO the sinister.
The ONLY defence is to KNOW good from evil and NOT bow to it....EVER !
@itaiharshoshanim-ib6kp do you mean me, sir ? If you're interested, check out The Strategic Memorandum Of The Muslim Brotherhood, available online. Then Cross reference it to Saul Alensky's "Rules For Radicals" (also online) and you can see the basic INTENT and approach that has been used ?
Then check Jennifer Freyd, a psychologist who has worked with abusers and used the acronym D.A.R.V.O. to describe the common steps an abuser employs. Those common steps are:
"D" - The abuser Denies the abuse ever took place
When confronted with evidence, the abuser then,
"A" - Attacks the person that was/is being abused (and/or the person's family and/or friends) for attempting to hold the abuser accountable for their actions.
finally the abuser claims that they were/are ACTUALLY the victim in the situation, thus,
"R" - Reversing the positions of
"V" - Victim and
"O" - Offender. It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming.
A quote from Freyd :
"... I have observed that actual abusers threaten, bully and make a nightmare for anyone who holds them accountable or asks them to change their abusive behavior. This attack, intended to chill and terrify, typically includes threats of law suits, overt and covert attacks on the whistle-blower's credibility, and so on. The attack will often take the form of focusing on ridiculing the person who attempts to hold the offender accountable.
The offender rapidly creates the impression that the abuser is the wronged one, while the victim or concerned observer is the offender. Figure and ground are completely reversed. The offender is on the offense and the person attempting to hold the offender accountable is put on the defense."
The sheer speed with which the "Protest marches" i.e., Hate Marches, were orchestrated to occur BEFORE Israel even "retaliated" shows how well planned it all was.
I've seen it time and again in my work, that as Freyd mentioned, the number of susceptible people who are inclined to believe a DARVO response, DECREASES once they understand the tactic.
Clearly SEEING who is using DARVO often proves to be difficult, until the abuser and the victim are clearly established. That is why we ALL have a MORAL duty to expose these LIES wherever we see them, Like Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo, October 7th, Annecy.
יום עצמאות שמח, אולי✡✡🕎🕎✡✡
ום עצמאות שמח, אולי, וכל הכבוד על שאמרת את זה כמו שזה, ולא משתמש יותר בשם המזויף "הסוואה" של "פלסטין", מכיוון שזה מנציח את השקרים שלהם.
ארכיאולוגיה, תיאולוגיה, תנ"ך וקוראן הכל גיבוי והוכחות עובדה היסטורית אמיתית על זכותה של ישראל בת 3,000 שנה על אדמתה כ"עם הילידים" האמיתי היחיד. את העובדה הבסיסית הזו צריך תמיד להחזיק בגאווה!
עם ישראל חי!
Happy Independence Day, Ollie, And well done for saying it like it IS, and no longer using the fake "camouflage" name of "palestine", as that PERPETUATES their LIES.
Archaeology, Theology, Bible AND Quran ALL back up and evidence ACTUAL Historical FACT about Israel's 3,000 year old RIGHT to her land as the one TRUE "Indigenous People". That very basic FACT always need to be held onto PROUDLY !
Am Yisrael CHAI !
@MindelM I'm afraid Jordan was only created in 1946 a year BEFORE Israel's independence, out of 77% of the British Mandate FOR return to the indigenous Jew*sh people.
But you ARE right, that the TRUE "settlers" are indeed from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Kingdoms of Saud and Hejaz (Now Saudi Arabia) Over 68% had arrived between 1919 - 1947
The Ottoman Turks had zero love for Arabs, whom they generally treated with a kick and a curse, although they would permit Arabs to work as servants, if they did not run away too often after having been beaten. The Ottoman Turks controlled all of the Three Sanjaks of Tripolis, Antiochi, Jerusalem (later Mandated"palest*ne"), and the Arabs hated them, and they had zero desire to live anywhere in the area.
ONLY after the British and Australians defeated the Turkish Army, and evicted them from Mandated "palest*ne", did the UK opened the doors to Arab immigration. The UK government and private companies, hired many thousands of Arab construction workers. Word went out across the Middle East and to as far away as Afghanistan and India, and Muslim construction workers arrived in The British Mandate of "palest*ne" in their tens of thousands.
They arrived starting around 1919 - 1947.
They did not use the label “Palestin*ans” for themselves prior to 1967–68 and the postwar Arab rejection of Israel Khartoum conference.