Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance." channel.

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  15.  @maltija1  I totally agree, and find it utterly shameful. My understanding of that is down to the nature of British Society at that time of the late 1800s onwards. Anti semitism was very common place especially amongst the upper classes, hence late 1930s "sympathy" for the naz*s reaching into REALLY high places. I believe there was a "Romantic" sympathy for the Arabs at the end of the 19th Century, among people such as Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway et al in the USA, and the most famous in England, T.E. Lawrence, who seemed to see a "Freedom" amongst the Bedou that had been lost in Industrial societies ? (T.E.Lawrence wrote of that) Then after rallying Arab Nationalists to overthrow the Ottomanns, BECAUSE of that closeness to the Arabs, but ONLY to conduct the Sykes Picot Agreement meetings in SECRET, Hussein ibn Ali, King of the Hejaz is completely betrayed at Britain going back on her word. The McMahon - Hussein letters of 1915 ALSO included amongst the Arab Nationalist intenetions, a desire for an "Arab Caliphate of Islam" ? Then up springs the PAN Arab Nationalist movement who want a SINGLE Arab Nation, and Haj Amin Al Husseni instigates the pogroms against Jews leading to the Hebron Massacre. The British sympathetic to the Arab cause seem to wring their hands in guilt at the 1919 betrayal, and strive to make concessions to the Arabs, DESPITE the 1920 San Remo Agreement having been UNANIMOUSLY ratified by ALL 51 Nations of the League of Nations. That had made it LEGAL to RETURN all of the British Mandate of "palestine AND Transjordan" to the Jewish people, even though the 1922 Mandate backtracked on Transjordan to appease the "betrayed" Hashemites. The British White Papers of 1930 started to further BACKTRACK on that LEGAL recognition of Jewish RIGHT to return, leading to the DISGRACEFUL 1939 White Paper, which in the light of the looming War with Germany was trying to appease Haj Amin Al Husseini and the rise of his Pan Arab Nationalism, for fear he would side with the Naz*s. Which he did anyway. In clause 14. of that 1939 White Paper, Jewish immigration was LIMITED to no more than 75,000 over 5 years to keep Jewish population to only 1/3, to 2/3 Arab ! ! ! This ran completely contrary to THE LEGAL MANDATE where “Palestine” had been INTENTIONALLY intended for JEWISH political control IN FULL RECOGNITION (Balfour Declaration) of the JEWISH Historic Connection to THEIR HOMELAND. The 1939 White Paper was a complete abrogation of Britain’s Internationally Legal Commitment to the Jewish people and the Jewish State. Under the terms of The Mandate , a binding instrument under International Law, ALL returning Jews were legally entitled to return. Yet thousands were deemed as “Illegal immigrants” under clause 14.(I) and interned in British built Internement camps. LEGAL, SAFE return was BLOCKED, and at the most critical time possible...BEFORE THE HOLOCAUST ! ! ! At the end of the war, 6 years after the White Paper, less than HALF of the “allowed” 75,000 quota, had been admitted to THEIR Historic Homeland. A mere 36,000 immigration certificates had been issued ! ! !. That 1919 "betrayal" by the Sykes Picot Agreement was why the Arabs stopped trusting the British, which also laid them open to the poisonous anti semitic / PRO Naz* propaganda of the PAN Arab Nationalists, which has embedded to this day. Haj Amin Al Husseini's nephew was Yasser Arafat who started using the erstwhile "Zionist" name of "Palestine" in 1964 ! !
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  37.  @lordgigapiller  I'm afraid the ONLY "Colonisers" have been the Arab Muslims who first conquered it in 638 AD and established an Islamic Caliphate, for 1200years ! ! ! 1200 YEARS of ARAB ISLAMIST COLONISTAION and OCCUPATION ! ! Until the collapse of Islamic rule with the end of the Ottoman Empire.. Under the Ottoman Empire (until 1918) most of the land in Israel (only named "MANDATE of palestine" by the UN and British from 1920-47) was owned by people who didn't even live there. The landowners were mainly, but not exclusively, Arabs who lived in Damascus, Beirut etc. The 'local' Arabs were nomadic. The Jews raised money during the British mandate and BOUGHT all their settlement lands from the foreign owners, cleared and irrigated it, created industry, agriculture, ports and railways, sparking a wave of Arab immigration from surrounding Arab countries. Then, of course, the attempt to displace the Jews in 1947 didn't go too well. Arab immigration to Israel from 1920-47 was just a form of failed invasion - similar to what is going on in Europe now. The Arab population, ONLY even started identifying as "Palestinian" in 1967, in the 20th century ! They are the descendants of Arab COLONISERS ! They INVADED in 638AD and completed the ethnic cleansing of the Jews from THEIR land that had been started by the ROMANS ! The "Palestinian" Arabs have never at any time in history owned that territory or any part of it, ....they COLONISED it ! The Jews are INDIGENOUS to that land ! ! The so called “palestinians” are NOT ! "Start a war, you might lose." "Losing a war YOU started doesn't turn you into a victim" A land YOU colonized ISN'T yours. But I guess reading really IS too much of a challenge for you, as you clearly have never even HEARD of the Israeli ARAB MUSLIM Judge who JAILED former President Ehud Barak. Let alone show ANY understanding of the word "Colonisation" or "Occupation". Never mind, habibi, back to your fairy tales🤣🤣🤣
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  43. BRILLIANT video Ollie. Thank you so much for publishing these photos and bring this more into the light. There was also an article in New York Post MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1948 (part of the Washington Post Company) entitled "State Dept. Conceals Promised White Paper Uses Whitewash Instead* about how "On Aug. 28, 1946, Dean Acheson, then Acting Secretary of State, announced that "the State Dept. is preparing a White Paper concerning the activities of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem." Acheson had said the publication would be in the form of a book, which would cover all the documents concerning the ex-Mufti seized from German files, revealing ALL his activities and contributions to the NSDAP throughout WW2. Al Husseini had worked with Himmler and was pivotal in recruiting the Bosnian Muslim Volunteers for the 13th Waffen SS "Handschar" Division, who committed numerous summary atrocities throughout Yugoslavia In that same New York Post article, there is a passage which states : "By the end of 1943 the ex-Mufti had organized Bosnian "Black Legions" to fight the Allies. He also bears a heavy responsibility for the annihilation of European Jewry, according to Nazi testimony given at Nuremberg. He visited the gas chambers ; he wrote to the Cabinet Ministers of Hungary and Romania asking them to send the Jews from their countries to the concentration camps in Poland." Thus according to the Charter of the International Tribunal at Nuremberg, the ex-Mufti is a criminal on all three counts, for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity." At that time, 1948, that "Dean Acheson White Paper" had not yet been published, and seems to never have been ? ? David Dalen's book also mentions this Dean Acheson white paper, and seems to point to a much greater involvement on Al Husseini's part than has yet been revealed ?
  44.  @Rope_Adope  That WAS actually my POINT, my friend. I DISAGREE with Dawkins for that EXACT REASON ! However I do NOT believe any single religion has it "Right" or has sole claim to THE Truth. That was WHY I used the term "The ALL" to try and describe the Divine spark, endowed BY "God" that we MAY RECOGNISE Him and LISTEN to His voice ? The capacity of "Man" in the very early days of Judaism, Christianity etc would have been OF that era and would "Hear" god to the level OF that era. Which we see still being held onto in Islamism, a 7th Century "understanding" of what they genuinely "hear". The "Tree" of each era HAS to fall and become BOTH the SEED AND the FERTILISER for the NEXT era of a DEEPER "hearing" and thereby a DEEPER understanding OF "God". "GOD" endowed us with that capacity to "KNOW".."HIM" at a deeper and deeper level AS each era "falls". Without that initial JUDAIC "seed", YES, there would have been NO Christianity and therefore NO ENLIGHTENMENT which DEEPENED "scientific" KNOWLEDGE to REVEAL a MUCH deeper level of utter BEAUTY in "God's" ultimate GIFT..i'e the Double Helix and genetic coding ? Unknown to early 3,500bc Humans, but today KNOWN. AS', we KNOW "GOD" at a deeper level, and WILL know MORE of God BECAUSE of that cycle of "Fall" and REBIRTH ? How else do you explain the SIGNIFICANCE of Christ's RESURRECTION ? ? To put it simply my friend, was CHRIST who arose from the Dead, the SAME unchanged Christ as BEFORE Crucifixion, or a DEEPER Christ ? And that is where it starts touching into Eastern ideas such as The Phoenix in China ? ps. I have never heard Dawkins say he, OR "science" knows EVERYTHING which WOULD indicate that closed minded "FIXED" mindset, but any "scientist" who would be so foolish KILLS any claim to scientific enquiry by such arrogance. As do ANY theologians who foolishly claim THEIR beliefs to be FIXED for all eternity. Once and forever and ONLY and you CLOSE your soul to the Divine
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