Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "Bill Maher To Douglas Murray: "The Jews Are Chosen For Hatred"" video.

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  2.  @Rope_Adope  That WAS actually my POINT, my friend. I DISAGREE with Dawkins for that EXACT REASON ! However I do NOT believe any single religion has it "Right" or has sole claim to THE Truth. That was WHY I used the term "The ALL" to try and describe the Divine spark, endowed BY "God" that we MAY RECOGNISE Him and LISTEN to His voice ? The capacity of "Man" in the very early days of Judaism, Christianity etc would have been OF that era and would "Hear" god to the level OF that era. Which we see still being held onto in Islamism, a 7th Century "understanding" of what they genuinely "hear". The "Tree" of each era HAS to fall and become BOTH the SEED AND the FERTILISER for the NEXT era of a DEEPER "hearing" and thereby a DEEPER understanding OF "God". "GOD" endowed us with that capacity to "KNOW".."HIM" at a deeper and deeper level AS each era "falls". Without that initial JUDAIC "seed", YES, there would have been NO Christianity and therefore NO ENLIGHTENMENT which DEEPENED "scientific" KNOWLEDGE to REVEAL a MUCH deeper level of utter BEAUTY in "God's" ultimate GIFT..i'e the Double Helix and genetic coding ? Unknown to early 3,500bc Humans, but today KNOWN. AS', we KNOW "GOD" at a deeper level, and WILL know MORE of God BECAUSE of that cycle of "Fall" and REBIRTH ? How else do you explain the SIGNIFICANCE of Christ's RESURRECTION ? ? To put it simply my friend, was CHRIST who arose from the Dead, the SAME unchanged Christ as BEFORE Crucifixion, or a DEEPER Christ ? And that is where it starts touching into Eastern ideas such as The Phoenix in China ? ps. I have never heard Dawkins say he, OR "science" knows EVERYTHING which WOULD indicate that closed minded "FIXED" mindset, but any "scientist" who would be so foolish KILLS any claim to scientific enquiry by such arrogance. As do ANY theologians who foolishly claim THEIR beliefs to be FIXED for all eternity. Once and forever and ONLY and you CLOSE your soul to the Divine