Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "" video.

  1. BRILLIANT video Ollie. Thank you so much for publishing these photos and bring this more into the light. There was also an article in New York Post MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1948 (part of the Washington Post Company) entitled "State Dept. Conceals Promised White Paper Uses Whitewash Instead* about how "On Aug. 28, 1946, Dean Acheson, then Acting Secretary of State, announced that "the State Dept. is preparing a White Paper concerning the activities of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem." Acheson had said the publication would be in the form of a book, which would cover all the documents concerning the ex-Mufti seized from German files, revealing ALL his activities and contributions to the NSDAP throughout WW2. Al Husseini had worked with Himmler and was pivotal in recruiting the Bosnian Muslim Volunteers for the 13th Waffen SS "Handschar" Division, who committed numerous summary atrocities throughout Yugoslavia In that same New York Post article, there is a passage which states : "By the end of 1943 the ex-Mufti had organized Bosnian "Black Legions" to fight the Allies. He also bears a heavy responsibility for the annihilation of European Jewry, according to Nazi testimony given at Nuremberg. He visited the gas chambers ; he wrote to the Cabinet Ministers of Hungary and Romania asking them to send the Jews from their countries to the concentration camps in Poland." Thus according to the Charter of the International Tribunal at Nuremberg, the ex-Mufti is a criminal on all three counts, for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity." At that time, 1948, that "Dean Acheson White Paper" had not yet been published, and seems to never have been ? ? David Dalen's book also mentions this Dean Acheson white paper, and seems to point to a much greater involvement on Al Husseini's part than has yet been revealed ?