Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "" video.

  1. Ollie ? I don't think it is an "either / or" question between "silly" and "Sinister". From psychological studies I read on how susceptible Germans were to N*z* "brainwashing", as well as findings re "The Stockholm Syndrome", it appears a certain level of insecurity coupled with reduced intelligence, is needed FIRST before the more sinister "Propaganda" can take hold or gain traction ? Someone raised to relatively believe and trust in their OWN perceptions, is FAR more likely to have the confidence to resist, or go AGAINST "group pressure" when faced with ideas or acts that ARE "sinister". Someone without that self confidence and trust, is far more likely to go along with something they do not believe in BECAUSE of the group pressure. Then, once one has said or done something to cross that morality line, self justification OF that "line cross" takes over to further and further "excuse/explain" one's actions until you BECOME the actual "sinister" ? Hence most special Forces screen OUT those less secure, as they are a weak link. Patti Hearst was an example of that "silly"/ insecurity, being held HOSTAGE by ter**ists then JOINING them once "freed", The book "Ordinary Men" goes into how "The Sinister" in SS and Police Units would "Initiate" the weak (the silly) by goading them to commit that first step/act, then once committed that self justification process would complete the process ? ? "The sinister" are the Activists who goad and manipulate the silly/weak until they cross their internal threshold by name calling, then once done, silly transmutes INTO the sinister. The ONLY defence is to KNOW good from evil and NOT bow to it....EVER !