Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "" video.

  1. Very well said my friend, and I TOTALLY agree ! Surely the moral legitimacy of a nation state - the moral right of a nation state to exist - is dependent upon the extent to which it RECOGNISES and protects the individual rights of its citizens. On the basis of this inviolable fact of reality, no authoritarian state has any moral right to exist - that is, has absolutely no moral legitimacy. The objective standard for judging the moral legitimacy of a NATION state is the objective principle of individual rights, the principle defining and sanctioning a man's freedom in a social setting, the principle defining and sanctioning a man's rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. It is by this objective standard alone - the principle of individual rights - that the moral legitimacy of a nation state - ANY nation state - should be judged. A nation state that institutes the recognition and protection of individual rights, or does so largely, as IS the case with Israel, has a moral right to exist. A nation state that institutes the VIOLATION of individual rights as a matter of principle, as any Palestinian state ruled by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority or any Islamist, Marxist or other authoritarian entity would, has NO moral right to exist - no moral legitimacy. Furthermore, it would be morally just for any rights-respecting state or entity such as The U.N. to forcibly remove any rights-violating authoritarian government and replace it with a rights-RESPECTING one. Israel is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East, where people are NOT persecuted for their beliefs and enjoy full, equal human rights to all!
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