Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "" video.
Absolutely spot on ! David Dalen and John Rothman's excellent book outlines his close contacts with Hitler BEFORE WW2 and in 1941 where Hitler promised to give Al Husseini "Jurisdiction and free reign in all Arab Lands" on conclusion of WW2. While living in Berlin from 1943 - 1945 he also visited Auschwitz to watch the gassing and was described by Himmler as "appearing gleeful" ! !
For his role recruiting and "advising" the 13th SS Handschar Division in their "Anti Partisan" and round ups of Jews in the Balkans he was wanted as a War Criminal, but like you rightly said, he mysteriously evaded prosecution
By the way, he didn't just "mentor" Yasser Arafat, he was Arafat's distant Uncle !
There is a Record of the conversation of the Grand Mufti with the Foreign Minister in Berlin on November 28, 1941
* * * * Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-45, Series D, Vol. XIII, London, 1964, pp. 881
On Aug. 28, 1946, Dean Acheson, then Acting Secretary of State, announced that "the State Dept. is preparing a White Paper concerning the wartime activities of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem." Acheson said the publication would be in the form of a book, which would cover all the documents concerning the ex-Mufti seized from German files that were relevant to his prosecution.
That White Paper has not yet been published, as far as I know.