Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "" video.

  1. I felt so sad when Maggie was speaking about the current poor state of mental health Services in the UK, especially for these young girls,. Sadly, all are suffering from EXACTLY that same "KPI Contamination" problem as the Police Forces she mentions ? Most NHS services "IAPT" services, and even most 3rd Sector Services, are ALL now being Politically driven by those KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) set by GOVERNMENT, and whatever "need" for Political statistics is in fashion in Westminster. ALL instead of being USER driven ! The "Political requirement" was always for "quick recovery" figures to "demonstrate effectiveness" of the then, Blair's Government's "dedication to mental health". At one meeting I was informed that the service needed to "Data Cleanse" to make the "recovery figures" look better to improve funding. What that actually MEANT was that "complex/difficult" cases who might require TIME were NOT "accepted", but the ones likely to show GOOD KPI figures in a SHORT time span WERE. So any suicidal teenager coming in was "referred elsewhere", while the milder "easy to fix" WERE "accepted". The really in need kids were simply "put on hold" as all other services were equally underfunded with ridiculous waiting lists. So, SO MANY excellent staff who had the SKILLS to help had their hands tied by "the KPIs"....... Instead of responding to HUMAN need and USER driven, we get this POLITICAL DISCONNECT through REMOTELY determined KPIs, so effectively, any "service" is responding to POLITICIANS and NOT to the Users of the service... Frankly that Political interference of "measuring" by arbitrary KPIs has contaminated ALL good services, and you only need to research Local newspapers to see the tragic results. Vulnerable children have died ! I have absolute TOTAL respect for you, Maggie Oliver.