Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "'Harassed By Police For Playing Piano' | Brendan Kavanagh Full Interview With James Whale" video.
@fayabogush2956 THAT is what is so very heartbreaking, isn't it ? Christmas, the lights, the jollity of those two lovely little ladies bopping along to the music and letting go a bit, then even the English WPCSO with a BIG smile and up for a bit of a giggle. ALL of that is the CHARACTER of the England I have been fortunate to grow up in, and LOVE......... And then this violent oppressive DEATH cult is brought in in massive numbers, and UP goes the violence, and out goes that lovely warm, kind, TOLERANT and very trusting character...........not to mention all the increasing corruption and duplicity. My ancestor was one of the 7 Surety Barons at Runnymede, that gave the WORLD Magna Carta, on pain of death (King John later DID starve his granddaughter Mathilde to death)....and now WORDS seriously do fail me for these ***** that have ENABLED this. Where ignorant, backward pondlife try to DESTROY womens' RIGHTS that were so very hard won😥😥😥
@fayabogush2956 Thank you my friend. But it IS so very heartbreaking though, isn't it ?
Like on the one hand, ALL that our ancestors sweated blood for, toiled and often DIED to build IS recognised as the BEST and SAFEST place to come to, legally AND illegally. Yet on the OTHER hand, the very CHARACTER that MAKES us so tolerant and safe, is then ATTACKED in an obvious display of contempt FOR that warm lovely character and a blatant intent to destroy it altogether ! THEY have somewhere else to GO but CHOSE to come HERE. WE however, do NOT have anywhere else to go, THIS is our HOME, OUR Country, BUILT BY US.
Dalai Lama said it best in 2018,
"Europe belongs to the Europeans" and that refugees should return to their native countries to rebuild them. "Receive them, help them, educate them... but ultimately they should develop their OWN country,"
Merry Christmas my friend😊😊😊