Comments by "GilbertdeClare0704" (@GilbertdeClare0704) on "“We’ve Imported This!” Julia Hartley-Brewer On Mike Freer MP Stepping Down Over Death Threats" video.
And that deeper aspect of Judaeo Christian "thought and values" is what allowed all the western advances to develop and flourish. From science, medicine, ENDING slavery, Human Rights, Womens rights, Religious tolerance, value of reason and debate OVER violence, etc, etc, etc. Without that core Judaeo Christian thought, NONE of those advances would have been tolerated or allowed.
As happened at the END of Islam's "Golden Age" in the 13th century when all openness to new ideas and inquiry was stifled. And here we are now with the "Fundamentalist" resurgence trying to reintroduce a NEW Jahiliyyah (the age of ignorance). It is so deeply sad for ISLAM and the Judaeo Christian core is an ESSENTIAL bastion for Humanity itself.