Comments by "SepherStar" (@SepherStar) on "Gunman Kills Self After Opening Fire on Florida School Board | Nightline | ABC News" video.
+SGPlays well a woman birthed you, and kept you alive, and fed you and wiped your ass and taught you not to sh!t yourself, and not to eat poison in hopes you would turn into an upstanding, productive member of society....but maybe you are right and it was useless. Studies have shown that men who insult women online are literally losers. Not figuratively, but literally. This woman in this video not only was a productive member of society, but took a great risk to her own life in an attempt to save all of those men, and you are doing what with your life? Watching anime, playing video games, and insulting women on the internet in a completely failed attempt to raise yourself up? You can't build honor, value, or worth by putting others down. You build honor by doing something honorable, you build value by doing something valuable, and you build worth by making yourself worthy. Most men learn those things as boys in the Boy Scouts or from their fathers. I'm sorry you missed out on that but now you know it.