Comments by "Thump Er the Sweaty Fat Guy" (@SweatyFatGuy) on "You Will Not Like What Comes After This - Coronavirus, Covid-19 u0026 Freedom" video.
I live in the woods full time, its standard procedure for me to avoid people so this is nothing new. They can try to force me to do as they want, but they'd find me to not be easily ruled over. If I want to go gray and make it exceptionally difficult for them to track me, I can. They trained me in how to do it during my time in the military. I live the way I do because of hyper vigilance, it wears me down having to watch everything going on around me, so the woods lets me relax a bit and focus on whats important. There is no way I could ever live in a city again, you're too dependent on others, surrounded and you have to have everything brought to you.. what happens when that stops happening? You have nowhere to go, no way to produce what you need, and nature is not there for you.
Communists are my sworn enemy, I am against everything they stand for and propose. Not out of being contrarian, its because they follow an abhorrent ideology that always results in mass death and atrocity. They seem to revel in death on a grand scale.
I also got extensive training in NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) warfare. There is being free, and there is being smart... you can do both. If this thing can kill you and the people you care about, you need to limit exposure to it. I have many older people in my life I do not want to catch it from me. I take precautions, and for the last 15 years I have only gone out when I needed to, and now I consider everyone else to be a carrier. I am not afraid of them, but I know what not to do so I don't catch this thing. I avoid colds the same way, because they're an inconvenience for me, and I have better things to do than have my head clogged with snot for a week.
There are a few million of us out here who will never allow the US to follow Europe and Asia into the abyss of marxism. We aren't overly vocal, we don't make a big scene, we tend to wait and see what is going to happen before we act. When we act, its decisively, quickly and can be brutal. Its better to have your enemy underestimate you than over estimate you... thus we watch and wait. However, we are here and we will not go quietly.