Comments by "Thump Er the Sweaty Fat Guy" (@SweatyFatGuy) on "The Loss Of Traditional Women And Rampant CHEATING In Marriage And Relationships" video.

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  2.  @ImagineOnward  ah yes, I suppose I should elucidate upon the unfortunate consequences of her inglorious actions.... She choose poorly and is having a bad time. We hooked up in December 2003, she moved in with me in early 2004, we had been talking online since August 03. I was 34, she was 21. After enduring 89 years with my first ex I knew what I did not want, and would dump any woman, no matter how hot, if she displayed any of the negatives my first ex had. She was everything she claimed to be for 8 years, absolutely wonderful, we never argued, never raised our voices, and she initiated spicy fun times often. The bare minimum was 3 times a week, and she was GOOOOOOOD at it. Kegels starting when she was 12, and she managed to finish me with the mouth hug and head bob when very few women could. She nearly changed my mind about women. Then after nearly 9 years together we got married so she could get some of my health care. That was late 2011, in 2012 I was exposed to some chemicals that messed up my lungs, while painting some stuff for her dad. Exertion was painful, just walking ten steps left me winded, it was like someone had cargo straps wrapped around my chest preventing me from breathing. We figured out what was causing it, got meds, and I started improving in late February 13. In April she met this guy who was 7 years younger than she is, 20 younger than I am, and he was rather desperate. His previous romantic interest was a 36 year old, 5'3, 250lb mother of two, who's father and brother had to run him off to keep him from following her around and showing up at her house at night. He's on the spectrum you could say, she is somewhat as well. Nobody who worked with him liked him, her parents loathed him, he was one of those delusional entitled types who felt he should be in charge his first week working somewhere, so he got fired from every job. He was about two inches taller than I am, but at 24 he was already going bald with a bozo the clown type hair ring around the back of his head. His chin was swathed in jowls like some nefarious evil banker in the movies, and he had no muscle to speak of. There is a reason most women ignored and were repulsed by him. However, my ex thought this kid was her soulmate. I sent her a text when she didn't come home, and I found the car I let her drive parked next to his truck outside a motel. Told her not to come home, nothing there for her, and all her stuff was going to Goodwill. She abandoned her pets with me, dropped every responsibility she had to be with this kid. She had met him at a training event for firefighters, she was made chief of our local VFD because nobody else wanted it and her 120lbs was not going to pull anyone out of buildings. She brought him on at a township meeting, and all of the other 12 members quit, because they loathed that guy so much. They all knew him, nobody liked him anywhere he went. So our VFD was her and him... Then he bailed on her after 3 or 4 years, I don't keep track but my neighbors tell me about her, without me asking. She is unpopular to say the least. Currently she is alone, unwanted, her mother is paying her bills since her dad died back in Feb this year. I liked her dad, he treated me good but let his wife dictate to him, so he got on my bad side. She left at 30, has been alone for the last 6 years, is now 41, no future, no prospects, and her VFD job pays her $500 a month. What did she leave behind for that kid? A very muscular, very capable and competent, two war combat veteran, that can walk now because when I couldn't do much in 2012. getting sick allowed me to heal. She was with me and stayed through the medical boards and all the health problems I had from my last deployment in 04, and knew what my ex was like. I was able to get around and do fun things before 2012, starting around 2008 or 09, but it was a slow recovery. She left right when I was healed and the first wife was going to be paid off in 2015... which would open up another $1200 a month. She could have been with me through the entire project of building my shop, house, and landscaping my yard, all of which she enjoys doing. I have a really nice 13 acre plot of woodland, and my forest is enjoyable to walk through. Now I build the old muscle cars, many of which I have owned for decades. The first one was a 1967 Cougar that I bought two months before she was born when I was 13, in 1982. I still have that car, but I haven't driven it since 1987, its waiting its turn in my shop. I have a couple of trucks and two GTOs (a very rusty 69 and the 70 I drove for a daily from 1994 to 2004) ahead of it on the list. That is what my videos are, vehicle builds and stuff around here. In 2009 her dad sold me the truck he got her to drive to uni, and I still have it. A 1988 C1500 short box. He was going to scrap it, but it has zero rust so I gave him double the scrap value, $500. Its getting a 6.0 LS swap, slammed to the weeds, and painted her favorite red orange color, with heavy flake and pearl. Then I will use her truck to take my trash to the township dumpster, because I have to drive by where she lives to dump my trash. Its going to be a cool build and man does that low mileage truck drive nice. Yeah, I am just petty enough that I will drive her truck past where she lives, and make sure she sees it finished the way she wanted it. She doesn't drink, so no boxed wine for her, but she is destined to be alone now. Poor choices and lack of impulse restraint have consequences.
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