Comments by "Thump Er the Sweaty Fat Guy" (@SweatyFatGuy) on "Remote Workers On Borrowed Time? CEO Panics As People Refuse To Be SLAVES" video.
Office jobs.. people always whine and complain about office jobs. Ya know, there are other jobs you can do that aren't so soul sucking and confining... I find it amusing, live in a big city, pay ludicrous rent, ride the bus or train, get paid a big number but the cost of living is so high that I am doing better living alone out in the woods on less than $100k a year. You're barely squeaking by, will be in debt the rest of your life, but you seem to think you are successful.
There are things I won't do. Like work for minimum wage stocking shelves, sit behind a screen and being yelled at by 5 bosses for not putting a cover sheet on my TPS report, and other busy work where you don't do anything productive, you don't make anything, you just shuffle paper around. Thats a fate worse than death to me.
I'd much rather be sweating in a shop, under a vehicle on a lift, rebuilding the transmission. Or growing food in a field, making vodka fuel for my old cars from cattails, or building sheds, shops, and houses. I am debt free, own 13 acres of woodland, my house is paid off, the cars are all paid off, and I can rebuild them at my leisure. Its what I do for fun actually, take a rusty heap, and turn it into a cool looking, rather fast, daily driver, then drive it all summer.
I like to see the product of my effort... I can be my own boss, I can employ others, I can work with others too... and I have useful skills, even when the world goes automated with AI. There are things the robots won't be able to do and I already do them.