Comments by "Thump Er the Sweaty Fat Guy" (@SweatyFatGuy) on "Men Think “It’s Too Late For Me. My Life Is Already Over”" video.
I rebuilt my life at 44 when the ex decided to divorce me.. that was 2013. I bought land, built my house on it, built a 32x48x12 shop where I rebuild old cars. I own over 30 old muscle cars... no, they are not all nice, most are projects. I paid off the mortgage and building loan in 8 years, on a 10 year note for both. I am not super wealthy either, I'm a 100% service connected disabled Iraq veteran. You can look up what my income is... Yeah, I did it on that.
I will be 55 in a couple months, living an awesome life, doing what I want to do, and I just drove 3 hours one way to buy a Super T10 four speed transmission to put in one of my GTOs. Yeah it goes from suck to blow in a nanosecond when everything you worked for is ripped away and you have to start over. I did it in my mid 40s. If you're younger than I am and was, THERE IS NO EXCUSE. Get off the couch and make it happen.
If you think my life was easy, things were handed to me, or that I had lots of opportunities provided to me.. then why would I enlist at 19? Then again at 30, with 7 years between the first and second. Its been a rough life to say the least, but you have two choices. Quit and become worm food, or keep going and actually do what needs to be done.
Your tombstone will have two of the least important dates on it. The day you're born, and the day you achieve permanent equilibrium with ambient temp. The dash between those dates is what matters. Make the dash worth living.