Comments by "" (@baronvonlimbourgh1716) on "Russian PROPAGANDA DESTROYED MY FAMILY." video.

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  4.  @yellowtunes2756  explain to me why i would be wrong without using russian talking points that have been proven to not be true by independent investigation. And taking into account how russia has used this exact playbook multiple times before. Good luck. And while you are at it explain why you feel the need to support a regime that is known for engaging in all surts of human rights abuses, are proven to simply assasinate or brutally jail their political oponents, engage in ethnic cleansing in the places they decide to occupy. Needs to use all sort of inhumane schemes to make reality fit their narative and is generally corrupt to the bone, oppressive to their population, very much authoritarian, has a proven disregard for democracy and not only feels is ok to push their will on their own population but also violently does so to it's neighbours. After that explain why the entire world has turned against russia, even their anti west authoritarian buddies like china has been washing their hands from the russian narative. At this point the only the worst kinds of despots still suport anything russia does. When you find yourself on the wrong side of 90% of the world population you really need to ask yourself if it isn't you that is the problem and if you missed something important along the way. It is time for the famous "are we the baddies?" moment to hit you in the face. Russia does not stand for freedom. Russia does not stand for self determination Russia does not have respect for human rights And russia does not support any sort of justice. Russia just very much use these terms to justify their crimes. These concepts are hollow words because they know the world community reaponds to these terms and tries to use them to give their actions some veil of legitimacy. And if you think all this is just some eleborate conspiracy for world domination or to destroy russia, i hope you manage to get help for your paranoia.