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Stephen47 22
Comments by "Stephen47 22" (@Stephen-bq4nq) on "LYSYCHANSK HAS FALLEN" video.
The Ukrainian are fighting a static fight from trenches against an enemy who has good observation and artillery superiority plus air dominance and the results are predictable. The last thing the Ukrainian want to do is fight from trenches in a static fight they're handing themselves to the Russian artillery. They had success earlier in the war because they were fighting a mobile stealthy fight and unfortunately they have let their egos get the better of them and have lost so many of their most experienced soldiers.
If morale was non existent the Ukrainian would be suffering from mass desertions and it's not happening. The Russian artillery is the difference between the two sides the Ukrainian were always going to lose the Donbas once the Russians massed forces their the real question is will they be able to hold it and control it which could prove more difficult than capturing it.
@Addi_Teacha509 no it won't
@meddy833 the Nazi in Ukraine are russian
No one cares what China,Iran,India think
@valthok The Ukrainian haven't folded the Russians are out gunning them in artillery firing 10-20 rounds for every Ukrainian round fired. They are out gunned and are being bludgeoned until they abandon their positions and fall back
@azeeztawo8171 whole military support what a joke they have been sent about 200 artillery pieces self propelled and towed the Russians have thousands. America has sent 4 HIMARS it's a joke they need at least a 100 plus the same amount of M270 MLRS. They also need more modern air defence systems they arn't getting anywhere near what they need
@valthok no they didn't fold they knew they were going to be cut off so they withdrew to avoid the encirclement. If they had folded they would have stayed where they were and thrown up their hands. You russian fanboys are beating your chests at the moment but the war is far from over. If Russia can't force Ukraine to surrender and the Ukrainian switch to a well armed insurgency killing Russians everyday for years their will come a point the death toll won't be able to be hidden from the Russian people and they will be forced to ask themselves how many dead Russians Ukraine is worth. Ukraine has more to fight for than Russia does.
@olsiontoska9520 you don't know what losses the sides are taking
@Olegstuff21986 yeah they did because they thought it was going to be as easy as taking Crimea
@Olegstuff21986 stop coping
The Donbas was always going to be lost. At the beginning of the war the Ukrainian forces were fighting like well armed mobile insurgents and were able to ambush hitting and running they weren't a static force. In the Donbas they have gone static fighting from fixed positions in trenches that can be seen from the air and pounded with artillery and airstrikes. They have allowed the Russians to concentrate their artillery on targets and bludgeon them. They can't match the Russian artillery for every round they fire they get 10-20 back their positions come under such heavy fire they can either stay there and get bludgeoned or withdraw giving up the ground. Even if they fight bravely holding russian frontal attacks the Ukrainian flanks can't with stand the Russian artillery and break which comprises their whole frontline they have no choice but to withdraw or get cut off. The Ukrainian should go back to fighting like well armed stealthy mobile insurgents hitting and running looking to continuously inflict casualties on the Russians while not providing big static targets for the Russians to pound with artillery. It will be interesting to see what tactics the Ukrainian use after the Donbas is lost the separatist forces won't have the strength to hold the whole Donbas themselves so there will need to be tens of thousands of Russians stationed there permanently. They will have to set up bases which will be vulnerable to HIMARS and M270 MLRS plus their supply convoys will also be vulnerable to ambush. Holding and controlling the Donbas could prove harder for the Russians than capturing it.
@MarkoMirkovic the so called coup that removed a russian puppet
@BOOMbarash5000 what a cope the beginning of the war was a debacle for the Russians
National Socialism No they wanted Kiev they thought they could drive in like it was the Crimea and overthrow the government but they got a hiding.
National Socialism Western veterans are there till this day fighting on big numbers.
@Grim FPV the Kiev operation was about overthrowing the Ukraine government they thought they could go in like it was the Crimea and got a hiding
National Socialism there are thousands in the foreign legion fighting for Ukraine
National Socialism yeah dream on 🤡 plenty of westerners are still their fighting
@workhardnaphard7598 the Ukrainian don't need to surrender they need to transition to an insurgency fighting a stealthy mobile hit and run style fight using javelins, NLAW,.50 Cal snipers rifles with armour piercing incendiary ammunition, stingers,mines,suicide drones. By fighting that way the Russians will struggle to concentrate their artillery on the Ukrainian which will reduce their casualties and by dragging the fight out killing Russians everyday there will come a point the Russian casualties won't be able to be hidden by Putin and the Russian people we be forced to ask themselves how many dead Russians Ukraine is worth. I have been horrified by the Ukrainian tactics in the Donbas fighting from static positions in trenches basically handing themselves to the Russian artillery which is their main strength. The Ukrainian can win the war in the long run but they need to return to a well armed high tech insurgency hitting and running,attacking with suprise and being stealthy. It will take years like all insurgency but they can succeed if they continue with the tactics they have used in the Donbas I think it will go badly for them because they just don't have the artillery power to do it successfully.
@workhardnaphard7598 Ukraine isn't running out of manpower they have a large pool of men and supplies are continuing to come into the country. You see the combat footage there are still areas of camouflage in eastern Ukraine not just forests but along road ways and between fields. Once the Russians capture the whole Donbas they won't be able to leave because the seperatistes forces arn't strong enough to hold it. The Russians are going to be forced to keep tens of thousands of men their setting up bases which will be sitting ducks for HIMARS and M270 MLRS plus their supply columns will also be vulnerable to ambush. This war is far from over the Russians are going to find out as so many invaders have in the past capturing a country is one thing controlling it is a whole lot harder. If the Russians can't break the will of the Ukrainian people and Russians keep dying in the end the Russian people will start questioning if the war is worth their boys lives
@kaletovhangar The population in Kherson is not friendly to the Russians I don't think they are going to have success there. The war is far from finished what we have seen so far this year is just the beginning I think if the Russians can't break the Ukrainian people's will to resist ultimately they will lose the war because as an invading force if bodies keep going home in coffins the Russian people will start questioning what Ukraine is really worth to them
@kaletovhangar The population have no choice but to take Russia. Pensions and use Russia. Payment systems they are under occupation. With modern weapons they can still target Russians in the occupied areas moving in small teams. The Russian surveillance can't be everywhere at once and with modern weapons like switchblade 600 and phoenix ghost that can fly deep into an enemy held area and dive down on targets they have ranges of over 80km. The operators only need one bush to hide in they are a very hard to spot target plus you have weapons like javelin and NLAW,mines,.50 Cal snipers rifles which can be used very effectively for hit and run attacks using small teams no bigger than 10 men. You can also use small teams to set up observation posts and call in long range fire with HIMARS and M270 MLRS. Ukraine only need to kill 14 Russians a day that's 5110 dead a year which is 51,000 dead in 10 years. If Russia can't break the will of the Ukrainian people and the fight drags on for years with Russia soldiers getting killed on a daily basis the Russians are going to find themselves in a very difficult situation. We can only speculate at that point what will happen only time will tell
@kaletovhangar Time will tell once the honeymoon is over and people taste the reality of Russian occupation.
@workhardnaphard7598 I'm not about Russia suffering I'm about them getting out of Ukraine. Afghanistan was facing superpowers and beat them through time and resilience. If a defender is determined they have the advantage over an invader. The Ukrainian are being trained by the west and supplied with good weapons if they have the will to keep fighting I believe time is their advantage. Russians keep dying in Ukraine at some point the Russian people will start to turn against the war. Ukraine simply can't surrender the whole of southern Ukraine it will leave them completely land locked and controlled by Russia they simply have no choice but to keep fighting
@workhardnaphard7598 the Ukrainian have nothing in common with the Russians after what they have done the hatred will last for decades. The people in the south arn't favouring the Russians you just have to look at Odessa they have been preparing defences to fight the Russians and the missiles killing people in Odessa hasn't helped create any love for the Russians. Ukraine simply can't concede to the Russians because it means their country is finished and they are nothing but a russian colony. As an American would you concede your sovereignty and freedom to an invader I doubt it. Ukraine needs the will to keep fighting and killing Russians at some point the Russian people will start questioning the special operation.
@YEGETAone it would have been easier for the world to give up and lay down arms against the Nazi but in the long run things would have been worse. The Ukrainian don't want to be a Russian colony so they have to fight and take the pain
@godlymoose9118 just because China India and Iran declare the Donbas independent from Ukraine no one will care the rest of the world knows it bulls..t
@AlexanderTch they don't care what India and China think when it comes to the Donbas being part of Ukraine
@AlexanderTch the US is still in Africa and Asia
@AlexanderTch the land is part of Ukraine it was there before the people who currently live there were born and will be there after they're dead. The land isn't theirs to take if they want to be russian go live in Russia. The Nazi are in the Kremlin.
User 003 🤡🤡
Ukraine is losing because it's getting bludgeoned with artillery