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Stephen47 22
Comments by "Stephen47 22" (@Stephen-bq4nq) on "1News" channel.
I'm amazed that the Australian politicians didn't learn from New Zealand they've made the same mistakes with mass immigration and they're paying the same price. You rapidly increase your population but don't have the infrastructure in place to support it you destroy your country
Get New Zealand back on track basically the wealthy get taken care of the middle class increasingly become working poor and the poor will be blamed for all the ills in the country and used as political scapegoats.
@Theyarealreadyhere that's until someone doesn't care that you're neautral
Yes they should be asking him questions like what's his favourite TV show and what music does he listen too
@MandySam13 crime was way worse in the 80's and even 90's the gangs back then we're having gang wars with way more killings than you see now. As for housing if landlords can't afford to provide a healthy home they shouldn't be in the business. We are increasing our population by 70-110K on any given year we don't have the building capacity to build enough houses for the people that are here now let alone all the new people coming in so houses prices and rents are going to keep rising pushing people to the wall.
@jasperhorace7147 people let their political preferences control what they see. The reality is housing is a business in New Zealand first and foremost it's not seen as a human necessity and it's making some people a lot of money and others are being pushed to ruin. We just don't have the housing supply to provide for the increase we are seeing in our population each year so prices just keep climbing it's simple supply and demand. No political party in New Zealand seems to have any answer to it.
@gayjacob1657 it's not negativity it's simply living in reality house prices and rents are going to keep climbing and people are going to keep struggling.
Because we get told how they're going to sack people from the public service to save money then they get a pay rise.
This government will do anything to fund their 14.6 billion in tax cuts over 4 years. The money for the wharf upgrades and new ships is an investment for New Zealand . The country will have something to show for it the tax cuts are a waste of money so much of it will be swollowed up in increased costs for rent and food plus rates increases
@sheamillsteed1634 when Chris luxon answers a question he just says a whole lot of nothing like a good politician. These fools are the ones saying they're going to get the country back on track but they can't even get the numbers right on how many shops will sell cigarettes in Northland. The reason they got it wrong is because they scrambling to come up with a narrative to explain why they're not going to do the smoke free policy because they don't want to tell the truth that they want the tax money to fund their tax cuts.
@sheamillsteed1634 No it's trying to stop a snake politician weaseling their way out of answering the question
@rossr100 oil companies did the studies 50 years ago they knew burning fossil fuel was going to heat up the planet and cause extreme weather and the temperature rises they predicted were more accurate than NASA scientists come up with.
People were already having to sleep in cars and garages under John key this country was already ruined before labour got into power
@gayjacob1657 No the rents and house prices were going up under John key and the problems continued under labour and this government is going to keep it going. This government has let property investors know they're back in business and immigration is increasing our population by 70-100K on any given year we don't have the housing stock to provide for this so rent and housing costs will keep climbing and pushing people to the wall. It's the reason we are seeing so much social dysfunction when you have people unable to access the necessities of life housing,food, medical and dental any society will start failing because those necessities of life are what holds a society together. This government will find out the hard way just like the last one if you can't fix the housing problems you won't be able to fix anything else. If nothing has got better after three years the public in New Zealand are going to be at the end of their rope 70,000 people have left in the last 12 months
Don't worry if you're renting it will probably only take 12 months before rent increases take it off you
@jasperhorace7147 and well before that
Muldoon was the biggest disaster for this country
@sheamillsteed1634 asking them why they made statements that were blatantly false isn't bias it's the media doing their job
Your rent is going to keep climbing because the government is going to persist with mass immigration and not provide enough houses.
Yep the good old days when beneficiaries were used as a political football to get votes and blamed for everything wrong in the country and the only people that matter are the top 10%
@jasperhorace7147 The rents and house prices increased under John keys government and continued under labour. This government isn't going to be any different we don't have enough houses in this country yet on any given year we increase our population by 75-100K. The lack of supply will continue to drive up rents and house prices pushing people to the wall and we will continue to see the resulting social dysfunction. Chris luxon is going to find out the hard way just as labour did if you can't fix the housing problems you won't be able to fix anything else. National is dreaming thinking they can arrest their way out of the countries problems for every person they arrest there will be someone else to replace them.
@thesquire6352 that's not happening in America it's a growing industry and young people are still smoking it
China is a rising power with their eyes on the Pacific you need to wake up
@mvb88 it wasn't a good plan in the 30's and 40's and we paid for it in the early part of WW2
they're going to give us a rerun of the key years. Tax cuts that give the most benefit to the wealthy,beat down on beneficiaries, pander to property investors. Nothing is going to change for the better rents and house prices are going to keep climbing
@tc6817 Muldoon was worse
I guess we may as well make meth legal and sell that in the dairies
@davidmarshall8814 the housing problems were there under John key and so were gangs and they did nothing. This government is pandering to property investors which isn't going to make the country any better. With a shortage of housing and mass immigration we're going to see more rent increases and increasing house prices but don't worry the government is going to crack down on beneficiaries the poorest people in the country.
National and ACT don't care about average people they never have
@jockmoron the oil companies did their own studies 50 years ago and they knew burning fossil fuels was going to heat up the planet. Their scientists predictions were were more accurate than NASA scientists and predicted almost perfectly the rate of heating
@ungarr national isn't going to get it under control they were bringing in a lot of people under John key and jacinda Adern did the same and it's going to continue under luxon. People who voted for something better are going to be disappointed.
You got some pretty sad racial issues
Everything they said was BS. Get ready for the housing market to take off again once interest rates go down people will be diving into the market which will drive up demand and to make it worse housing consents are down 25% and the government is still bringing in 100K migrants a year. House prices and rents are going to go up and more people are going to need a state house which we don't have. The end result is more people have to stay in emergency accommodation motels paid for by the government
@glenashley2253 they did on TV 3 on the early morning show
Yep I agree totally it's insanity the massive increase in our population each year is going to continue driving up rents and house prices and ruining people's lives
@TinekaJasonPalmer The debt goes up and down throughout the countries history we don't need to keep bringing people in at rates that are overwhelming our infrastructure it's destroying New Zealand society
@Cloudstreet it's still a lot of people that need to be homed and we don't have the housing stock or the building capacity to get ahead of the problem and that means rent increases and increases in house prices
@zweed69 yep most of the people coming in are from India,China, Philippines, Fiji and South Africa.
No there aren't good days ahead with our increasing population rents and house prices are going to continue to climb ruining peoples lives. National are going to find out the hard way if they can't provide affordable housing their going to fail just like labour did. National can't arrest their way out of the countries problems
@zaksol7022 bullshit Australia never brought in anything like the employment contracts act and that's why so many New Zealanders move to Australia for better wages and conditions. Labour wasn't happy with zero hour contracts and when it was brought to light it was cracked down on.
They don't have any new ideas they just bringing back all the usual policies. Tax cuts, talking a good game about getting the gangs and using beneficiaries as a political football to kick around
@daveyboots79 what's his favourite TV show,what music does he listen too😂
@DeezNutz013 prices have been going up right across the western world everyone is struggling with inflation
You can say the same about every illegal drug
@paulleighton7078 they have a political ideology going back decades
Yep that's nationals agenda always has been
Yeah nationals policies towards anything maori are going to be great for race relations
@Gumpmachine1 the mad lockdowns saved a lot of lives our health system would have collapsed if the government had allowed the virus to move freely through an unvaccinated population. Per capita if we suffered the same death rate as the U.S we would have had 15,500 dead and the US health system is a lot more robust than ours so our death rate could have gone even higher
@pblchldy8082 you only have to look at the death rates in the UK and US to know you're wrong
Yeah stop the benefit after a year so people can live on the street like animals like in America