Comments by "Kenneth Hammond" (@kennethhammond6683) on "Covid-19: New Zealand suspends arrivals from India to curb coronavirus cases |" video.

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  5.  @eyestosee6750  Clearly you are a skeptic, that is not unusual to find during major health scares like epidemics and pandemics, it a form of denial that eases the anxiety that people feel, as I said anecdotal evidence has its place, but by its very nature anecdotal evidence is not particularly reliable when it comes to gaining scientific data that one can build a credible and effective health care plan on, that is why when you go to your GP you will be asked not just questions but also sent for tests, xrays and blood work etc to gain actual reliable data that your Doctor can use to make an accurate diagnosis and implement an effective targeted treatment plan, maybe the reason why some countries are having so much trouble getting the disease under control is because people are using what is essentially conversations over coffee and gossip to gain an understanding of the disease while dismissing the actual scientific evidence, it is the reason why a country like NZ can boast total cases of 2555 with only 26 deaths in a pandemic that has infected 133 million worldwide with a death toll approaching 3 million and NZ is preparing to open its borders to other countries like Australia that take the epidemic and it management seriously, while the world plagued by skeptics is no closer to getting it under control, and probably wont for a few year to come, in the meantime the virus mutates into an even more formidable, infectious and treatment resistant strain. Do I know anyone that has been infected with covid and died, no I don,t, but what I don't know is not actually relevant when fighting an infectious disease that has claimed almost 3 million lives in the past year or so. and is mutating into an even more virulent form that is rapidly killing people as young as 20 year olds.
  6.  @eyestosee6750  Well not trusting media or authorities is the very definition of skeptic someone who tends to doubt accepted beliefs, thats fine I think its quite healthy to have that trait, it protects people from falling into the trap of being gullible. I for one are very much the same, so I would encourage you not to change, keep searching for your own answers, having said that Covid uncontrolled is a real virus that has the potential to kill 100's of thousands if not millions, in fact its killed some 3 million people sofar, its real and we have limited understanding of it as an organism capable of many mutations, we haven't seen the last of it and I doubt we ever will, the scientific/medical field is still learning about it while the virus is still on a killing rampage while mutating all the time, to date its been mainly older folk in the 70-80 yr old group who have died from it, but we are seeing strains emerge that are now killing increasingly younger people in the 20/30/40 yr groups. Oh dear , gene therapy with operating systems, you have verifiable evidence for your claims I take it, you need to share such evidence, you are veering off into conspiracy theory with some of your claims there, friend, you sound angry, you can believe whatever you like, but society has a greater responsibility towards it citizens to find answers and possible treatments like vaccines and behaviour modification to at least try to ward off infection rates from spiralling out of control, sure the vaccines we have are not fully tested but there is an emergency going on, people are dying by the thousands, emergency situations sometimes require emergency actions to overcome the reality of rampant infectious disease.
  7.  @eyestosee6750  I don't mean to offend you, thats not my intent, all of what I have offered you to date is my own words, to answer your question, about my sense that you sound angry, I just pick up that vibe from you, having said that I am quite prepared to say I may be mistaken, so if you feel offended then I apologise for that, anyway back to our discussion, I see that your link is information provided by Colleen Huber, a women who some consider to be a naturopathic nutter that cares not one iota about the vulnerable cancer patients she claims to treat but in reality just exploits for her own selfcentered profits, she reminds me of a women who like Colleen Huber used to entice cancer patients to stop taking all the cancer medications prescribed by their Doctors, medications she deemed unnecessary and commence on pills lotions and diet plans she would profit from, it goes without saying that most of those patients having trusted her ended up dying prematurely with runaway disease, unfortunately the world is full of uncaring jackals like Colleen Huber that prey on the sick and desperate who are only looking for hope, she also had this angry air about her, despising all conventional medical Doctors along with all forms of conventional medicine, maybe the anger I sense in you is really you projecting the anger many of these unhinged naturopathic quacks exhibit towards orthodox medicine. Again sorry for having to be so blunt but one has to say what one see's as evident. Colleen Huber gimme a break!! I guess our discussion is over.
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