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Kenneth Hammond
Hindustan Times
Comments by "Kenneth Hammond" (@kennethhammond6683) on "Hindustan Times" channel.
British Colonialism was much the same as Israeli Colonialism violent , racist, unjust and oppressive towards the people it sought to colonise, the evidence is hiding in plain sight.
Chinese planes flying over Sovereign Chinese territory, wheres the problem in that?
So long as it does not mean more of the same endless talking while Israel colonises more territory of Palestine, pushing more Palestinians out of their ancestral homeland. China could act as a peacekeeper force within the Green line. ending the 70 year Israeli occupation. I look forward to see what China has to offer.
It already has done such a thing, the evidence of Apartheid is in plain sight.
The US Alliance is rapidly fracturing.
@archit2894 Resisting an illegal occupation is not terrorism, its a right recognised in law.
He's a Jew, victimhood is in his DNA.
People living under occupation have every right in law to defend themselves from the excesses of the occupier.
There is good reason why the Geneva conventions forbids transferring the occupiers civilian population into occupied territory, it's a war zone and extremely dangerous, costing the lives of those transferred.
There is however a recognised occupied dejure State called Palestine.
UNSC Resolution 446, concerned the issue of Israeli settlements in the "Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem".This refers to the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip as well as the Syrian Golan Heights. In the resolution, the Security Council determined: "that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East".
Both Zelensky and Poroshenko Acknowledged They Came to Power Illegally.
If Amnesty was allowed to operate in India it would be pointing out the gross violations of human right being committed by India in Cashmere.
The could start by bringing the worlds attention to the 2019, Indian Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). that privileges all other religiously identified refugee groups in India for citizenship but excludes Muslim refugees, it would appear that Hindu India has its own form of Apartheid developing.
Establishing an Apartheid state is hardly a "great job"
@kdbasu The CCA is in essence an Apartheid document, much the same as the Israeli nationalist document is the legitimisation of apartheid in Israel. It is not hard to see why racist Islamophobic Hindu's love Israel and its Apartheid laws.
@blueocean6730 Does not excuse India for violating the Indian constitution that guarantees equality and non discrimination by adopting racist apartheid type laws of its own, I guess Indian Hindu's are no less racist Islamophobe's as Israeli Jews, like peas in a pod, I always wondered why Hindu's loved Israel so much, now I know!!!
@blueocean6730 Mohandes Ghandi would be ashamed of what India has become.
@blueocean6730 What you mean burning down Muslim houses, shops and mosques. And burning Muslims alive in the streets of the Capital is not violent intolerance to you?
Seems to me it is the Israeli's who are "crying victim" here because a single Palestinian gunman took revenge.
@blueocean6730 You forgot the Muslim man in Delhi, burnt alive by Hindu radicals.
@itsme12994 Interesting history, but Irrelevant to the UN Charter, and the legal status of the Arab Palestinian territories occupied by Israel in 1948 and in 1967, all outside the territory of the State of Israel.
@itsme12994 Every time someone challenged Palestine’s statehood in any connection with a case before an international or national Court, dealing with the period prior to November of 1947, the decisions uniformly held that Palestine was a State – no “ifs, ands, buts, or maybes”.
@AbhinavPaulPOLY2563 Probably because there is no verifiable evidence to support the US fabrications.
@Azdal Border disputes lol quite common in a post-colonialist world, blame European imperialism, never the less Taiwan belongs to China.
@Azdal China has no interest in wars of conquest, China's focus is on trade and mutually beneficial development.
@shaheedbhaghatsingh3974 So now you are seeing Americans under the bed, they are eating big juicy beef steaks cut from the flanks of a sacred Hindu cow, right?
@desmondpun1773 By "Americans" and "Australians" I assume you mean persons of non-indigenous heritage? Americans an Australians of indigenous heritage mostly do, but many have lost their original tongue.
Is brutal home destruction pretty much what the nazi's did to Jewish homes during theNazis’ assault on Jews during “Kristallnacht.”?
The US appears to have nothing particularly intelligent to say.
@blueocean6730 Or if you prefer the human rights abuses being committed by India against Muslins in Cashmere.
@tsippyhadass897 What is never going to happen? US losing influence among Arabs and Israeli's? China will mediate? Endless go nowhere talks will continue?Colonisation will continue?
It is the Australian regime that needs to apologize for its elite troops shamefully commiting summary executions and other war crimes against unarmed civilians in Afghanistan.
I think Putin may well now finally understand that the West are not Russia's "partners"
@blueocean6730 Send them to Israel see if the Israeli will let them in.
@LIVEWELLLIFESTYLE Now you are just spreading fallacies and calling them fact.
@LIVEWELLLIFESTYLE Zionist propaganda, the reality is that no Jew alive knows were the so called original Temple was located, but what is certain it was not built on top of the Byzantine Roman Fort in Palestine, otherwise referred to erroneously as Temple Mount.
@blueocean6730 Don't you have a lynching to attend, somewhere?
@blueocean6730 Careful, you are seeing Muslims under the bed again.
Digital Bath What, correction a bunch of European poles and Russians who's great great grandparents have never had anything to do with Palestine don't belong to squat!!
Israeli talking points are not evidence of anything other than much repeated ad-finitum Israel propaganda narratives.
@itsme12994 There was certainly no illusion amongst the Palestinian people as to the ultimate intent of the zionists in the Palestinian State, and the zionist plan to violently strip the land away from the Palestinian people and expel the Palestinian people from their homeland. Little wonder the Palestinian people resisted such a plan and to their credit still do resist the zionist plan to take over Palestine and eliminate one way or another the native Palestinian people.
@barak9966 You like all white European racists fail to understand that recognising a truly independent Palestinian state belonging to the Palestinian natives, who are — as Ben-Gurion and Ben-Tzvi realised — true descendants of ancient Judeans, poses an insurmountable existential dilemma for the white racist colonial-settler invader-genocidaires, who have stolen Palestine on the basis of a ridiculous fairy tale of their own descent from ancient Judeans.
@srireddy4363 Nothing wrong about resisting occupation even armed resistance especially when that occupation is attempting to genocide the occupied. its a right recognised in law.
AL TAQIYA legal or Illegal under what law? All happened long before International law and the UN Charter was established, so your comment is not relevant.
@srireddy4363 The "militant/terrorist" label like the "human shield" label employed by Israel to shift the blame from the oppressor to the victim to justify its killing of innocent civilians has long been refuted as just another Israeli fallacy. It is telling that South Africa also labeled those opposed to Apartheid as militant terrorists to justify its murderous regime. International criminal law has developed two crimes against humanity for situations of systematic discrimination and repression: apartheid and persecution. Crimes against humanity stand among the most odious crimes in international law. On the basis of its research, Human Rights Watch concludes that the Israeli government has demonstrated an intent to maintain the domination of Jewish Israelis over Palestinians across Israel and the OPT. In the OPT, including East Jerusalem, that intent has been coupled with systematic oppression of Palestinians and inhumane acts committed against them. When these three elements occur together, they amount to the crime of apartheid.
@srireddy4363 You have no grasp on reality, just denial of Israeli apartheid policy along with a capacity to excuse jewish settler violence and terrorism against the un-armed Palestinian population the only militants and terrorists I can see are illegal Jewish settlers running amok setting fires, shooting civilians and incinerating small children in their beds, outside the borders of the state of Israel. Palestinian civil society will resist zionist aggression and violence for as long as it continues.Last time I counted there is around 7 million Jews and the same number of Palestinians living between the river and the sea, you are going to have to commit a lot more acts of terrorism against civilians before it hinders Palestines resolve to resist. It will be a long, long time before Israeli's will be free of the anxiety from all forms of Palestinian resistance, threats of death will never deter a people striving for their freedom from oppression. “Palestine's Arabs will not sell their hopes, not for any kind of sweet words or tasty morsels, because they are not a rabble but a nation.” -:Zeev Jabotinsky, founding father of revisionist zionism clearly understood the Palestinian National resolve a lot better than you do.
@srireddy4363 I see the latest expression of Jewish respect has been one of Jewish illegal settler thugs attacking aPalestinian homes in Nablus, resulting in death , is that the kind of respect you are referring to?
@srireddy4363 You are of course referring to the illegal jewish settler thugs who firebomb infant children while they sleep in their beds masquerading as peaceful settlers outside the territory of the state of Israel.
@srireddy4363 Well you at least got the two countries definition right, why are the Israel government forces acting outside of Israeli territory Conducting illegal military actions while supporting illegal jewish settler thuggery against the civilian population in Palestine outside the borders of the state of Israel? Resistance to such atrocious, violent government approved behaviour is perfectly legal.Jewish folk righty resisted Nazi thuggery in the Warsaw ghetto, Palestinian folk rightly resist jewish thuggery in Palestine. I have no issue with that, if you do then put a stop to Israeli government approved jewish settler thuggery in Palestine.