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Jake Broe
Comments by "urkiddingme" (@urkiddingme6254) on "Jake Broe" channel.
It would make me so happy to see Elon Musk go to jail. No Presidential afterglow protecting him. No Secret Security detail. We might actually see some justice done.
You left out the best part - when the russian helicopter had to come back to the ship 20 minutes laters to pick up the 2 Russians that were accidentally left behind the first time. There's always someone who misses the bus.
Good for Cameron calling out the Speaker by name. Pile on the pressure from all corners.
I'm very happy to hear you are staying well and cheerful, Jake. Thanks for that reassurance. Some broadcasters on my favorite pro-democracy YouTube channels were looking like they'd gone a week without sleep, and I worried about them. But they are gradually popping back to form, getting their sense of humor back, and sounding ready to continue the fight. Same for me.
True. They had Christian churches when Moscow was just a forested swamp.
Thank you, Jake. This is the only logical explanation of SVB's failure that I've heard. Now I understand what Don Kaufman meant Friday night when he said SVB's problem was that (because of FED policy) the yield curve changed too fast for them to adjust.
All the sane Republicans are jumping ship. One from my state is retiring at the end of term. Still young, but he's had it.
Thank you Japan! Thank you Singapore! Thank you Jake for doing the hard thing and giving a voice to truths that some don't want to hear.
Never heard of Scott Ritter until I listened to a youtube a couple weeks ago where he was defending Hamas. Not defending civilians in Gaza, but the actual Hamas terrorists, saying they're not terrorists. It was disgusting.
@GustvandeWal Congress would have voted to support Ukraine, but then would have to prod Trump constantly to get it done. Meanwhile Trump would have been making public statements about us wasting our resources when we should be putting "America First." Trump would have been a ball and chain the US had to drag around in order to get anything done for Ukraine.
I'm a bit amazed you were able to pull so much info together about the terrorist attack. Well done! Thank you for adding the Ukraine statement about US NOT asking them to stop hitting oil depots. I feel much better now. Go Ukraine!
I used to cringe over Brit actors imitating an American accent. So horrible. But now they're better at it than Americans. Cate Blanchett, Albert Finney, Hugh Laurie et al. Completely believable as American characters.
bimmebeau So you're saying Europe basically out-sourced its defense? It makes sense from an efficiency standpoint, but if there is a real world war 3, we're going to need everyone up to speed on production and training.
A special thank you for the Russian segment of the guy saying the documents were altered, and that actually Russia had the heaviest losses. The whole thing with the doctored documents is being used in social media to try to convince Americans and/or NATO allies that the war is hopeless and we should give it up. I.E. those people are saying they're the original documents.
To me it seems only a minute ago that one party stopped believing in that. It's hard for me to comprehend that we have young citizens who've never known anything else since they became eligible to vote. What a weird world for them.
One of the nicest things about Zelensky's visit to G.B. is that PM Sunak met him as he got off the plane instead of waiting at 10 Downing for someone else to bring him in. Class.
I listened to the entire Romney speech on his website. It was excellent, start to finish. Of course he was mercilessly attacked by trolls, but that's a badge of courage.
That was my take on it also. I read some comments denigrating Pistorius for doing that - saying he's too slow getting up to speed. Seems he was just doing what his predecessors had failed to do.
Thank you, Jake, for the straight talk. If major media would just tell it straight like you do, I truly believe the US wouldn't be in this hot mess, because people would be forced to think before they vote. It would be better for us; it would be better for Ukraine; it would benefit the whole world if we had more media like yours.
Thank you, from someone who voted for Haley in the primary, but going Biden in November. I voted for Haley merely to stick it to Trump. And at least she supports Ukraine.
My understanding about Tulsi Gabbard is that she is, in all seriousness, not sane. She used to be in a cult. People who have met her say she is truly cracked. She speaks impressively, but she is not all there. She was part of the team preparing Trump for the Trump-Harris debate, and it wouldn't be too surprising to find that she gave Trump his "They're eating the dawgs" talking point.
The bill could be voted on in the House with a discharge petition. It requires 218 votes. It's an end run around the Speaker. No committee report, and no Speaker involvement. It requires 6 brave sane Republicans. Faster than replacing the speaker. Last time it took three weeks to do that. EDIT. Discharge petition may have some time lapse built in, not the quick fix I thought. A week to do this, a month to do that. Legislation must move slowly by design.
Thank you, Jake. I've been worried about Bakhmut since Artur's video came out today. I hope there are tanks on the way. I don't see how, unless the Bradley's, which arrived in Germany Feb 9, have finally made it to their destination. But the report did say it would be "a few days" before they got to Ukraine. So maybe? I understand the US keeps advising Ukrainians to leave Bakhmut. This must be a terrible burden for Zelenskyy and others in command. Praying for them all to keep their spirits up.
I have never understood why you aren't over 1 million subscribers by now. I mention your channel often -- whenever Ukraine is the topic of some political discussion. There are probably lots of us out there promoting your channel for free. 🥳
Independent or unaffiliated voters make up the largest percentage of voters in nine states. I live in one of them. I think we just don't fully buy the line from either party, although I have to say I haven't voted R since Bush Junior.
I would love it if some major networks picked up your fundraising story and interviewed you about it. It would show the NATO members that people around the globe want to provide serious help to Ukraine and not just give lip service to it.
Thank you so much! After DW's video this morning of the Wagner commander bragging about having Bakhmut surrounded, I was hoping there would be a video from you to clarify. Sounds like they will be able to withdraw, and I feel a lot better now. Love that dear Japanese man, and the dear people hugging him and thanking him. He's a winner. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you for your views on cluster munitions, and thank you for joining those exposing RFK Jr. for what he is - a spoiler to get Trump back in office. His trolls usually start out "Biden blah blah blah, and that's why I support a common sense candidate like RFK" It's disgusting how repetitive they are. The man has nothing to offer.
He banned Amnesty International? That's like banning Golden Retrievers or King Arthur's knights.
and thank you, Finland, for your truly prime Prime Minister.
Done. I think you may set a record for the fastest race to a donation goal finish line. You're already over $70K. Happy Birthday, Jake, and much love to Ukraine.
So informative, especially about the N. Korean soldiers. Thank you. I always feel more prepared after I listen to one of your videos.
Thank you, Iceland. You have a beautiful, unique country.
I remember the joke they made about Putin's table being used to patch the gap in the Crimean bridge after it was bombed.
GO POLAND! Release your Leopards! Very clear explanation of the GLSDB vs ATCMS, Jake. I also understand better now US refusal to send Abrams. I knew we considered them unsuitable for this use, but forgot they would be on lend-lease, so that Ukraine would be on the hook paying big bucks for something they can't use.
Chancellor Sholtz has transformed from a reluctant participant to the little engine who could!
@Ashley-dy7bx If you mean the discharge petition, it's not to bypass Congress. It's to force the Speaker to bring the bill to the House floor for a vote. The Senate already passed it. Last I knew - a week ago - the discharge petition needed 28 more signatures and the House was on Easter vacation Can't find the link where it lists names of all the Dems and Reps who have signed.
@anthonyloconte7835 I think Bernie voted against it because it includes aid for Israel and he is royally pissed off at Bibi and what's happening in GAZA. I don't know the reasons for the other two no votes, do you?
It was over $60K when I donated just now. The post-donation screen over $70K, so I'm not sure where it stands, but it's rapidly reaching his goal of $100K
"Work is proceeding according to plan." Ukraine's plan.
One of your best, Jake. Covered a lot of interesting topics I didn't know about. FWIW, as an update to non-US viewers, President Biden gave an absolutely outstanding State of the Union address on Thursday evening. Anyone who loves democracy would find it inspiring. It had the MAGA contingent very upset, and it was glorious to behold.
Jake, you do the best job of pulling all the disparate bits together to form a picture. Good to see Witch and Roman. I saw Roman being interviewed by CNN last week. The interviewer asked numbskull questions, which Roman answered with grace.
I haven't thanked you lately, Jake, for all the difficult news you must sort through and all the heart-rending videos you must watch in order to bring us these regular updates. You spare us some of the heartache by doing that. Thank you.
yes, and she fed the trolls big time by altering the Ukraine:Russia stats.
I thinking we're seeing the new Jake v3.0 and I like it! Take no prisoners, Jake.
"Raise his right hand." That is a brilliant political cartoon by Mike Lukovich. (26:00)
Thanks, Jake. About the time I thought "I can't take listening to this brutality" you said "geeze guys this is really hard to talk about" and moved on. What a country. What a miserable country.
So happy to see a Jake Broe video out tonight! Just filled with great content, thank you Jake.
I remember it from grade school. They called it "Seward's Folly" the then Sec of State. Alternatively "Seward's Ice Box" or the President's polar bear garden.
@ValeriaMessalina1 What are you saying Dems refuse to talk about? What is "it?" What is "T F?" Dems and Reps agreed on a bipartisan immigration bill, but it's not even being brought to the floor for a vote. The House Speaker (R) won't bring it up, and the Senate minority leader (R) is talking against it. And they both say out loud that it's because Trump doesn't want them to. This is not because Dems have refused to discuss anything.