Comments by "Minecraft Child" (@Bradman175) on "JK Rowling sends Harry Potter books to young girl in Aleppo" video.

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  2. Maalik Islam Brainwashed person fighting a brainwashed person. This is hilarious. Telling a brainwashed person to back off from brainwashing other people. Ok I have no problem with that. And my comment was actually directed to truth freeze which means I was on your side. But now since you made your second comment and I realised your actual point seemed to push another brainwashing religion, you're as bad as truth freeze. And what's so wrong with atheism? Personally I believe there's a high chance that a higher power exists, but it's definitely not yahweh, jesus nor allah. Am I still lifeless? And yes we are animals. And every animal has a soul. I'm not atheist. I'm just anti-religious, because religion restricts us and makes people like zombies. Everyone was born non-religous. Islam and christianity are not special. We will never hear about them if no one told us. And you try to push your point by assuming I am sad and feel sorry for my self to try to push atheism is horrible. Number 1 rule in a discussion, never assume about someone else, especially when you assume they're degraded and verbally attack them to prove your point. It will backfire. Why? Not only because you would have made incorrect statements that heavily weaken your argument. Not only because it shows that you ran out of solid evidence and have to resort to personal attacks which are immature and childish. But it also means you're insecure. And I only had to say this because you assumed I was going against you. Do you know what's the best? Not bothering about religion. Christianity says anti-believers will go to hell. And they use fear to trick people into believing in them. Islam is even worse in that aspect. I'm living a good life and I'm don't have a religion. How is that possible? Only logical people will figure out.
  3. Maalik Islam You seem to care because you're replying back to me. And attention? Oh now you're trying to personally attack me again. Do you think that really helps your point? "but not comment on the part where you think that could vanish with into non-existence for all eternity at any moment with the insects." I never said that, nor I ever agreed with that. My position is, no one knows what happens after you die, so yet again, you assumed incorrectly. Seems like your mind is clouded with incorrect stereotypes of non-religious people. "So who was on the truth between you and the cannibals, if your despair renders you and everyone you disagreed with equal with one another? You only have your opinions, and you are trying to shove it." Ok you assumed again. Morals are something humans do not know enough about. The world is inherently lawless, so you can do something criminal without having any consequences. And your cannibal argument doesn't make sense. I never said there's no right nor wrong. Also you're the one shoving opinions on me, hypocrite. "Atleast if you had a book and a billion followers, then you could be taken serious. You say that you believe in a higher power. So can you define your god to us?" You misread it eh? I said it's POSSIBLE a higher power exists. I don't assume, unlike you. I can't define what I don't know. But that doesn't mean yahweh, jesus or allah exist. "Only your feelings is what you have. So you have no truth, no purpose nor any guidance. But what you have, is being a raging antagonist." And a book didn't have any feelings? No guidance? Oh my you're assuming everything about me. This is hilarious how little solid evidence you have. I have a purpose in life. You know what it is? To help humanity live a better life. To reduce the pain and inequality and make everything easier for ourselves. And maybe to stop people from believing in stuff like religion. How about you? Do you actually need an ancient book to tell you what to do? (Like a zombie). And I'm raging? If I was raging, I would be spamming insults and using caps like an immature person. "No child is born with atheism, ever single human on earth is born with the Fitrah and then his parents or soceity corrupts him and makes him into an atheist or a polytheist." So because a book says that, does it mean it's true? And this looks like it was made to manipulate people into following the religion. "What does your god tell you about truth, justice and purpose? Is your god atoms, or is it the entire manifestation of the universe? Are you a pantheist? Is the poop your higher being too as it is also part of the universe?" You need to learn how to read carefully. I said a higher power could exist, but not necessarily, which means I don't current believe in any specific god. "You can't bring anything and you won't. Thus you want attention and you make annoying comments. But once you are dealt with, your crawl back to where you came from." Attention again? Look, I don't want people on the internet go shoving their stupid religion on other people, and say people deserve to suffer because they don't follow their religion, which is really mean.
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