Comments by "Golag Is watching you" (@golagiswatchingyou2966) on "Why is the World Crazy Now?" video.

  1. I feel like people are resentfull towards the USA exactly because of the americanization of their nations, both western and non-western through it's cultural, economic, political and military organisations and the fact that many nations need to be on the US good side because of the former cold war which divided the world into two sides. both the radical leftist and radical right agree on a few things: - they despise the USA/Western nations because of a personal loss towards them, be it identity, culture or religion - the current world order is grinding the nations of the world down, no economic prospects, while they get exploited or reduced to consumer cultures. - a desire to return/reinvent/destroy the current orders that rule their lives exists in both groups so as to create a new order that would be to their benefit and those they care about - a understanding that the new rising powers are going to replace them or seek to influence their way of life in what little way they still matter to them I personaly dislike the USA not for it's culture or technology but military and economical hegemony which it does defend through military and ideological conformity, any nation or people that seeks to threaten them will be adressed, attacked or get economic sanctions, it makes it that the USA is big enough to survive on it's own, yet connected enough and enforcing it's will that all have to work within it's economic and military system and ironically any nation that seeks to break away from it's current sphere would have to get in league with new rising powers (like China) or attempt to create their own (the EU, AU, Euroasian union) and as we have seen most of these organisations lack a strong unified body to enforce it's collective interest. I think we are moving towards a multipolar world, based on continentalism, all it realy takes is a major disaster (bigger than corona virus though im not sure) to justify it's proper enforcement when the US system no longer can be maintained, we've seen this happen throughout history and the USA is no exception, remember that during the existence of the USA it has not been forced to fight any existential threats to it's power yet, perhaps the USSR but that was more in defence of other nations and their new world order rather than their national existence.