Comments by "Edward Bernayse666" (@edwardbernayse6665) on "Fallout in Gaza: Six Months On (Full Length)" video.

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  4. Prohibited Area most people are pissed off at hamas right now for continuing to fire their ineffective rockets at israel when it was obvious from the start that the iron dome wasn't letting any of the rockets through and yet continued to fire them for a week thus provoking and forcing israel's hand in firing thei very effective rockets back at them and in the end killing thousands of palestenians.  if hamas had quit firing their rockets then israel would've quit firing theirs and the death toll would've been very low.  to me that proves that hamas are extremists who couldn't care less about the lives of the people that they claim to be defending.  the palestennian people need to directly go after hamas and look to new leadership if they want things to ever get better for them.  hamas just made things worse in many different ways.  most people will sympathize with the palestenian cause and be for a two state solution but there is still something that people are concerned about and fear could get in the way of peace and that is the extremists at hamas.  most of the world doesn't like them.  the attitude sometimes might even be "i am for a two state solution and driving the israelis out of the west bank and protecting the palestenians from harassment but ........hamas" hamas ruins it for the people every single time.  should the palestenians have their own country?  yes but hamas wants to ....... therefore i'm tentative about letting them have it or liking the idea.  that's the typical attitude these days.
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