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Edward Bernayse666
Comments by "Edward Bernayse666" (@edwardbernayse6665) on "Fallout in Gaza: Six Months On (Full Length)" video.
i think that they are just showing what the conflict did to the region. gaza got pummeled and israel had their iron dome to defend them from rocket attacks. it would be propaganda at its worst in favor of israel and against the palestenians if vice news didn't show what gaza looks like now or report on how bad things are at the moment for the palestenian people. it's not as though they didn't mention hamas's part in it. as a matter of fact, it seems as though they mostly blame hamas for the leveling of gaza. the mainstream media used to be so pro-zionist that they would focus their entire stories on a few israeli soldiers who died in one of these conflicts and then report that there was some "collateral damage" on the palestenian side and that "collateral damage" was supposed to mean that 181 or 133 or whatever round number of palestenian civilians were killed in the conflict. how is that for non-biased reporting? (sarcasm). would you consider that fair reporting and be more to your liking?
palestenians need to all read the book "the art of war" by sun tzu. they keep trying to fight israel on an equal level when they and the rest of the world knows that they are outnumbered and outgunned. you don't ever do that in those situations. they could even research their own regional history where they live and see the successful tactics used by the ancient israelites when they fought the bigger, richer and better armed phillistines. hamas is dumber than a bag of rocks.
***** the dark ages is over. you can't just fight a war and claim more land as war booty and expect the rest of the world to recognize your "new land" as belonging to you.
Prohibited Area most people are pissed off at hamas right now for continuing to fire their ineffective rockets at israel when it was obvious from the start that the iron dome wasn't letting any of the rockets through and yet continued to fire them for a week thus provoking and forcing israel's hand in firing thei very effective rockets back at them and in the end killing thousands of palestenians. if hamas had quit firing their rockets then israel would've quit firing theirs and the death toll would've been very low. to me that proves that hamas are extremists who couldn't care less about the lives of the people that they claim to be defending. the palestennian people need to directly go after hamas and look to new leadership if they want things to ever get better for them. hamas just made things worse in many different ways. most people will sympathize with the palestenian cause and be for a two state solution but there is still something that people are concerned about and fear could get in the way of peace and that is the extremists at hamas. most of the world doesn't like them. the attitude sometimes might even be "i am for a two state solution and driving the israelis out of the west bank and protecting the palestenians from harassment but ........hamas" hamas ruins it for the people every single time. should the palestenians have their own country? yes but hamas wants to ....... therefore i'm tentative about letting them have it or liking the idea. that's the typical attitude these days.
Prohibited Area what the palestenians need in order to accomplish a two-state solution is for the global community to put pressure on israel to agree to it. when hamas takes an impractical stance of wanting to have a one-state solution with them in charge and intentionally provokes israel like they did in the recent violent confrontation then it brings peace and negotiations to a halt and people just give up and feel less sympathy for the palestenians or their cause. there solution to their problems is never going to happen and they need to abandon the idea of a one-state palestenian rule and learn from past activists like gandhi and martin luther king.
Matt both sides are fucked up. hamas is dumber than a bag of rocks and israel wants to drive the palestenians off of all of the palestenian land. that conflict is like watching a football game between two teams that you don't like.
Matt they both want to eventually drive each other off of the land but right now, israel is winning that battle. didn't you hear about all of the west bank settlements and how palestenians have been being kicked out of their homes in order to make room for these settlements?