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Edward Bernayse666
Comments by "Edward Bernayse666" (@edwardbernayse6665) on "The Ultra Orthodox vs. The IDF: Israel's Other Religious War" video.
Patriot2452 one of the first things that we had better do is get rid of the CIA and apologize to the world for all of the massive destruction that they have done all over the world in the name of paving the way for corporations to become more multi-national, set up sweat shops, take the resources of a country for themselves, instill puppet dictators, cause monumental environmental disasters that the usa has never seen or imagined before all in what was hailed as "trying to stop communism from popping up and spreading" which has been confirmed as lies today. we can't just turn a blind eye to all of that. we have to know the truth and face the truth and do what we can to stop these kind of things from happening. if we only selfishly look at our country with rose colored glasses then the bad guys behind the scenes that are sabotaging our integrity as a country will continue to get away with it.
Patriot2452 most jews (70-80%) are actually converts from southern russia and they converted around the 10th century AD. they were known by two different names, either the ashkenazi or khazari tribe. i'm not putting them down, i'm just saying this just in case you didn't know about that.
***** you're kidding right? go google "ashkenazi" or "khazari" people.
1rken1nfantry you should go google "hitler's table talks on christianity." after reading that, i'm convinced that hitler's "catholicism" was all a front to lure in the german catholics.
Eyal Shalom they weren't of turkish origin. they came from what is today modern russia and there could be a mix of sephardic and khazari in some jews. 90% sounds like obvious bullshit to me. even the israeli government sponsored scientists from israel claimed that 50% of the israeli jews were of khazari origin and that sounds like it was tainted with bias. i don't trust anything that the israeli government says anyways.
Seiyu Call oh those. that story is from 2006 unless they found another batch of duds from the iran-iraq war in the 80s. that doesn't help the bush administration save any face from making their claims about sadaam making wmds.
dummlp i read my statistics on three different sites and you have your sites that you have seen. who knows who is right and who is wrong. maybe the actual numbers are somewhere in between.
Lev Ko you can run for office in any southern state. nobody will ever elect you though if they know you are an atheist is how the game is played down there. an atheist has to be a closet atheist if he wants a "career" in politics down in the south.
***** muslims worship the same god too. technically most jews in the world are atheists on a side note.
highlander723 i would be willing to bet money that most people on welfare don't vote.
highlander723 it's probably true assuming that most people on welfare vote at all. i'm guessing that most of them would rather stay at home then go down to vote.
Somnivers it was the UK that spear-headed the idea of there being a formation of a "nation of isreal" and it was the UN that voted itin and approved it. the usa has just supported it over the years by giving them "aid" money and weapons and a biased pro-israeli media that keeps us americans from knowing what really goes on there.
Patriot2452 even worse then hoover and bush jr? have you studied history or learned how to look at bush jr in an objective light yet? i'll bet a lot of your complaints about obama are things where he is just continuing the policies of bush jr and you didn't know about it. i want to test you and see if you are following the right wing propaganda indoctrination or if you really know what's going on.
Safwan Mujib we've all heard of that i'm sure.
***** yes they do. allah is another word for god or yahweh. actually if you want to get philosophical about it, everybody creates their own image of god in their own heads and so no one worships the same god no matter what religion or denomination within the religion they choose to belong to.
***** who knows what the fractional percentages are. on a side note, have you ever heard of the talmud? it is like the new teatament for jews. there are parts o it that say 100x nastier things about jesus and christians in it then you will find in the koran. i remember one part that said that jesus was spending the afterlife in boiling feces. i can't remember the website but i have no doubt that it is easy to look up. the reason why i mentioned this is because i don't think that there are any jews out there that look at christians or jesus today like that. with muslims, it's pretty much the same way. there might be a few although most of them are against western nations for past actions and don't correlate it with christianity. some might correlate it with zionism but even that is a political movement and not a religious one.
Seiyu Call where do you hear this bullshit? this would be the no#1 story all over the world and the american and british presses would be gloating and more than eager to do these stories. fox news would've done a 24 hour breaking news story on this one if it were true. they do more than enough bogus stories as it is and for them to pass up on a story like that indicates to me that there is no truth to anything that you have to say.
Somnivers the idea of "zionism" is from the latter 19th century. it isn't found in any jewish holy books. the idea was that jews wouldn't be able to co-exist with other europeans for very much longer and so the solution would be for all of the jews to go to israel (damascus) and form their own community. after ww2, obviously this became a very popular idea for surviving jews.
highlander723 you're so full of shit. you actually are going to say that every person who votes for the democratic party sits on their asses all day and doesn't work? could you back that up with any stats? lol
TagMehirTzedek occupying the west bank is a crime.
TagMehirTzedek not according to UN rules it doesn't. especially considering that most israeli jews were never hebrew descendents and were instead european descendents.
TagMehirTzedek no, 70-80% of them are descended from europe. also doesn't the bible say something about fake jews? also right is right and wrong is wrong and god doesn't give certain groups exemption status from their sins and the israeli government and many of their soldiers have committed many sins.
TagMehirTzedek that all just sounds like something a rabbi made up to justify to you all that it's ok to invade and take land from the original inhabitants.
TagMehirTzedek the christian bible speaks of prophetic end days and it speaks of "fake jews"
1rken1nfantry you can check out my source. google "hitler's table talks on christianity." it's pretty evident that hitler was playing the populist when he claimed to be a catholic and didn't like the religion of christianity at all. let me read you some of the quotes. "christianity is the greatest tricks the jews ever played on humanity"-hitler. "christianity is an invention of sick brains.....the war will be over one day. i shall then consider that my life's final task will be to solve the religion problem"-hitler. "christianity is the biggest lie that the jews ever told humanity"-hitler. "so it is not opportune to hurl ourselves now into a struggle with the churches. the best thing is to let christianity die a natural death"-hitler. "when national socialism has ruled long enough, it will no oonger be possibleto conceive of a form of life different from ours. in the long run, national socialism and religion will no longer be able to exist together"-hitler. "the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of christianity. bolshevism is christianity's illegitimate child. both are inventions of the jew. the deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced in the world by christianity"-hitler. "christianity is a rebellion against natural law,a protest against nature. taken to its logical extreme, christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure"-hitler. the reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two greatest scourges: the pox and christianity"-hitler. plenty more quotes like that from hitler.
TheReaperOfSouls you are talking about the original hebrews who were brown like arabs. the white jews descended from southern russia and converted to there brand of judaism around the 10th century AD. they make up from 70-80% of the jewish population today. this stuff is very well documented and confirmed by historians and even white jews today don't dispute that fact. they only dispute the percentages. this is information that people like to keep from the mainstream because of a pro-zionist media.
***** abraham was documented to having visited a pharoah of egypt. it was also commonly believed in the churches that abraham came from the egypt or jordan. when did churches start making syria is a long way to travel by donkey if you plan to go to egypt. it seems like an impractical decision to shepherd your large number of cattle and take them across the desert like that during the very beginning of the civilization era of the world. i think that i will go with what has been documented as fact that most jews today were converts from southern russia about 1000 years ago over something that some group pulled out of their asses about a person who hasn't even been confirmed as being an actual historical figure coming from syria. what evidence do they present to support this claim out of curiosity? :p