Comments by "PNH 6000" (@PNH-sf4jz) on "Is Russia "Loosing" in Ukraine?" video.

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  19. No. I don't believe that you are correct. There is no 'free energy'. It would just mean that all the energy currency, of each nation, would have accumulated according to where the production of the means of producing the energy was manufactured. A unit of energy, in whatever form it is produced and distributed, will be made available to the consumer at a specific price. The unit of energy may be obtained by the use of hot springs (in the arctic region and New Zealand), a measure of petrol, a measure of gas, a quantity of water flowing through a turbine, an array of solar panels, etc. Converting energy into a usable form, such as electricity, is what costs the money. That being the case, natural gas and oil should, once the well has been tapped and pipeline laid, be among the cheapest forms in which energy is made available. I believe that, whoever, in the future, has the design function and then access to the manufacturing capacity of the means of producing electrical energy will accumulate the most "energy currency". That is, assuming that electrical energy becomes the preferred form in which energy is produced and distributed. However, oil, gas and coal will still be required for manufacturing plastics, fertilisers, steel etc. However, if the cost of extracting these resources increases because of lower volumes required, the price of these items in the form of manufactured commodities will increase. So, consequently, I do not believe that the uptake of the "climate change concept", 20 years, 50 years ago, or in the future, would have fundamentally changed the overall cost of production and distribution of energy. It may have changed the locations in which that "energy currency" was accumulated. But I don't think that it would have significantly changed the net worth of energy. There would always be reasons for waging war. The capacity to wage war is not always connected with the reasons. Furthermore, we cannot impoverish countries to simply prevent them from waging war. But maybe we can influence their priorities in how they use the income that they generate. {Pun intended}
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  21.  @hg6996  Hello Hermann, I do hear you about climate and the effects that human endeavour can have with regard to changes and variations. Though I am interested in the discussion, I have, unfortunately, little knowledge about the issues and their underlying factors. Though at the same time I do recognise certain conditions when referred to or described. Even as a child, I was concerned about the expansion of the population on Earth and its capacity to carry the load. However, as indicated by the present situation in Ukraine, it is probably not the Earth about which we should be concerned, but our fellow creatures. I, like you, am in the upper years, with about a score more than your age, so I also will not be around to witness the possible cataclysmic events. I guess I am rather more optimistic about the future, while I am here and afterwards. I trust that, given the odds, what I have not been able to accomplish or had the opportunity to do in my own life, a child, grandchild or even great grandchild may have the pleasure and satisfaction of producing and providing at some time in the future. That is not for me to know. For the rest of the time, it is for me to live as best I can and contribute that for which I still have capacity. I did look at a reference to Svante Arrhenius at the website: and will keep it open to read tomorrow. For now though, I should say goodnight, since it is nearly three after midnight. I will keep my eye open to notice if you post comments to which I may be able to respond. With Best Wishes to You and the People for Whom You Care, PNH
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  28. The issue may be that it is just a few bots, always stating the negative position. A few bots can use a lot of pseudonyms to make it look as though there are a lot more people than there really are stating or making comments from the negative view. I do believe that Jake Broe stated, in the video, he understood that people using English as a second or subsequent language could make similar errors to those that he and I would be likely to make when we were attempting to speak in a language that was not our first, and we sometimes still do in our own first language. So no criticism directed or offence intended in that regard. And definitely no intention to refer to others who are genuinely wishing to speak English as a language which is not their first, as idiots. I use spellchecker a lot, and have to proof-read my own work to avoid errors, even though English is my first language. However, when you see the same mistake, ostensibly made by a lot of different people, the question arises as to whether it is just a few people or even machines using different names and thus projecting as different people making comments. These are the bots and creeps referred to. In the context of the Ukraine war, I call them putin-bots or cremlin-creeps, emphasising the diminutive. Normally, I avoid using derogatory terms in my writing, because I do not wish to be critical, without a positive reason and good purpose and do not wish to cause offence. However, some of these -bots and -creeps are there to cause disharmony and inject dis-information. Consequently, If that appears to be their only purpose for existence, I have no qualms about referring to them negatively. On some occasions, where I have made an error in my assessment, the other person and I have engaged in a meaningful, and sometimes enjoyable albeit, brief conversation.
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  35. The figure of "14,000 Ukrainian deaths" attributed to Ukraine, by those for whom it serves their purposes, include all deaths of both Ukrainian and Russian military personnel and the civilians who have died as a result of the conflict caused by the invasion of Russia into Ukraine in 2014. This was followed by the subsequent "annexation" of Crimea and the military activity since 2014 by separatists who have been supported and urged on by Russian regular military personnel. This culminated in Russia's full and outright attacks in February 2022. Ostensibly a "limited military operation" The attribution of the 14,000 to Ukraine is, itself, a lie, that certain people are using to support their own ignominious position. People offering such statistics, do so in order to create uncertainty and instability of purpose and resolve. That is part of the topic covered in this analysis by Jake Broe. Also because they believe many may accept such declarations as being true, without them checking references that would confirm or deny such declarations as true or false. {all of the military activity, on whatever pretext the Russians may wish to use, - all totally without credibility, in view of their actions, size and dimension of their military activity}. Indeed, by the same logic, it would be reasonable to attribute all of those deaths to Russia, since it was by their invasion that those deaths occurred. The costs, in lives, survivors with wounds, devastation and destruction of residential, commercial and industrial property and infrastructure, to both Ukraine and Russia alone, as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, makes farcical any of the so-called reasons that Russia may proffer, "in order to protect the Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine", being one of them. The farce is, in particular, because it is many of those same Russian speaking citizens who have been killed and the survivors made homeless as a result of the almost "blanket bombing" of extensive residential areas by the Russian airforce, navy and military by bombing and artillery bombardment. It is for these reasons that the "West" has provided and continues to provide so much aid to Ukraine for the defence of their country. Entering any of the following titles into your web browser search bar will provide informed evidenciary reports and statistics, including "on the ground" experiences of observers as recorded by those observers of the OSCE {Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe} Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. The information can be accessed directly via the links below: "OSCE report on Donbas" The following video gives information that probably shows the real reason that Russia is in military conflict with Ukraine and its real objectives:
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