Comments by "People Liberator" (@lvjinbin28) on "China, Indonesia discuss extending Jakarta high-speed railway" video.
if you dream then just dream big because China built 70% high-speed railways just in one decade,
if Indonesia doesn't join the new Bamboo Curtain for United States, China can help and connect Bali and Singapore with high-speed rail,
and make Indonesia per capita as rich as Malasyia, true and dominant leader in ASEAN,
if Philippines abandons neutrality even joins USA's anti-Chinese military encirclement, then Philippines will get many US military bases as satellite state,
but Philippines would still end up as Asian Cuba, aother Ukraine, new South Vietnam, or Vietnam in 1979,
if Indonesia doesn't join the new Bamboo Curtain for United States, China can even help and connect Bali and Singapore with high-speed rail,
and make Indonesia per capita as rich as Malasyia, true and dominant leader in ASEAN,
if Philippines abandons neutrality even joins USA's anti-Chinese military encirclement, then Philippines will get many US military bases as satellite state,
but Philippines would still end up as Asian Cuba, another Ukraine, new South Vietnam,
China attacked USA in 1950, attacked India in 1962, even attacked Soviet in 1969, also joined proxy wars in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan against West or Soviet,
Cold War history proved both USA and Soviet's containment/deterrrance policy did't work even when China was much poorer than Africa, how about now?
it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal
--Henry Kissinger
@navdeepsugandhi6476 it seems you don't know Cold War history and geopolitics,
CCP sponsored Indochina communists against France colonist and right-wing dictatorship South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia Monarchy in First Indochina War,
France retreat from Vietnam, communist North Vietnam established, so it's geopolitical victory for CCP.
CCP armed North Vietnam against USA imperialist and anti-communist South Vietnam in Second Indochina War/Vietnam War.
then South Vietnam collapsed, USA retreated from Vietnam, so it's geopolitical victory for CCP.
Sino-Soviet Split happened since 1959, CCP attacked Soviet in 1969 and Soviet warned to nuke China,
then CCP regarded Soviet as bigger threat and welcome Nixon in 1972,
CCP armed Khmer Rouge and attacked pro-Soviet Vietnam in Third Indochina War, CCP also armed Afghan mujahideen against Soviet in Soviet-Afghan War,
Vietnam retreated from Laos and Cambodia, Soviet retreated from Afghanistan even collapsed, so it's geopolitical and economic victory for CCP,
remember, CCP never regarded Vietnam as own territory because Vietnam became independent 500 years ago, CCP only respect WWII order and borderline,
that's why CCP withdrew all troops after Vietnam War, if CCP never wanted to occupy Vietnam but only punish, why it's failed invasion?
Vietnam should learn a lesson, don't join any superpower to encircle and contain China as neighour, being neutral then Vietnam can remain independent,
or China would get involved in Fourth Indochina War against pro-USA Vietcong.
Tibet was independent entity but not a real country during 1912-1950 ROC era, because there's never foreign embassy in Tibet including British India,
ROC can't control Tibet because ROC was in civil war with warlords or communist, ROC never give up Tibet even today Taiwan still claim Tibet,
PRC just unify Tibet by force in 1950, oppressed CIA-trained separatist in 1959, and attacked India invader in 1962.
@Ukraine_827 if Indonesia doesn't join the new Bamboo Curtain for United States, China can help and connect Bali and Singapore with high-speed rail, and don't touch Natuna anymore.
and make Indonesia per capita as rich as Malasyia, true and dominant leader in ASEAN,
if Philippines abandons neutrality even joins USA's anti-Chinese military encirclement, then Philippines will get many US military bases as satellite state,
China would retake all lost islands from pro-USA invader, Philippines would still end up as Asian Cuba, another Ukraine, new South Vietnam,
China attacked USA in 1950, attacked India in 1962, even attacked Soviet in 1969, also joined proxy wars in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan against West or Soviet,
Cold War history proved both USA and Soviet's containment/deterrrance policy on Chinese border did't work even when China was much poorer than Africa,
how about Cold War 2.0 when China becomes biggest industrial power?
it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal
--Henry Kissinger