Comments by "Wyatt Family" (@wyattfamily8997) on "US-Australia alliance could be tested by tensions between the US and China" video.
Much depends on whether our politicians continue to put money ahead of the safety and security of Australia and its people. If our weak P.C. "leaders" continue to sell Australia, its land , housing, and business assets to the highest bidder ( China ) then we will ultimately become "Southern China" with the loss of our independence and culture. %0 MILLION Hectares of Australian agricultural land is currently in foreign ownership, 15 MILLION by China. We have the highest level, Per Capita, of mass immigration in the world ( 1.1 Million Chinese ), meanwhile we have crowded schools, hospitals, roads, high unemployment and housing costs, and over 110,000 homeless Australians ( 10,000 children ), all thanks to idiotic policies by weak moronic "leaders" with no foresight or concern for the safety and security of Australia or its people. We specialise in DUMB politicians in Australia in both major parties.