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Azure Badger
FRANCE 24 English
Comments by "Azure Badger" (@azurebadger) on "Beijing to expel journalists from major US newspapers" video.
UV Gardener and here you are towing the ccp line. They did this to themselves and the rest of us. There is proof and no one believes that bs. Be sure to report that to your despot.
UV Gardener that is a lie and your markets are on film in all their glory for all to see. The infectious disease center was also across the street from the market coincidentally enough btw. This isnt complicated man. Its that infectious. And it only took one person.
UV Gardener i did. On a different thread. You are making false equivalencies throughout btw. And im not asian. You also have dodged literally every single argument I’ve put forth you staggeringly insane nonsensical person.
Only the state news ones from your totalitarian regimes mouth piece is acceptable i presume. Gross
UV Gardener btw i love ancient Chinese folk lore and culture. I do not oppose the Chinese people. I hate their government with a passion however and i fought for human rights in china for 7 years. I know everything. My critiques of your people are only that you are racist and smug. Ccp propaganda over decades has made you a super weird people culturally and its time for it to grow up. Oust your dictators. Its what they deserve historically for what they did to the nationalist party and subsequently your history books. Make a grass roots argument for a smooth transition if possible. Why not be like hong kong rather. Do they seem to suffer from their regime? Only when their leader opens the back door to the ccp apparently. Right? Why is that. Be honest
UV Gardener sure it is lol. We all believe you
UV Gardener yes. Its called the free market and the top 1-% is constantly changing. Generationally this has proven to be true. Only those with the smarts for longevity and means of real contribution last. Does the Chinese government share power via democratic means lol? What exactly is your argument?
@UVGardener yes I do and the reason for that is free information in the information age. our society is indeed mostly transparent and trump is doing a good deal to expose a lot of it. only by being in office and being constantly attacked lol. don't bother with your rhetoric. I already repudiated your standpoint soundly in our previous conversation. last year I mean. your memory is short. and you have an acute inability to formulate logical coherence. that approach works on the ignorant median IQ only. the fact that you persist proves your bitter malice and purpose here. and I'm telling you that you have lost
For violating his oath. It is taken seriously despite his debatably noble deed. Dont be naive
Katheryn Kerr thanks! I appreciate it, UV is someone I’ve had an argument with before actually and he is a huge fan of the CCP to say the least.
Sara Israel hes right. Unless you subscribe to propaganda to formulate your beliefs. You have to be paying attention and able to inform yourself properly. France 24 yesterday put put some of the worst and most inaccurate smear propaganda I’ve seen in a while.
Lost Cause theyre all alive. And they did indeed betray their nation in a way. Our legal system leaves it in public and we all know about it. Meanwhile the china wuhan birus whistle blowers disappear in front of everyone and idiots in the internet make nebulous moral equivalencies in a vacuum because they literally cannot think. Good job
UV Gardener don’t bother with those stereotypes. You ignore criminality completely with that trope. China meanwhile harvests organs from live dissidents in their prison system. I spent 7 years of my life exposing it and working with those who fled for their lives. If you are so completely naive about your homeland them go back. Live it. And compare. Then we’ll talk
UV Gardener that is not made up and it was proven in front of everyone last week. China is the only place on the planet where you have almost no waiting time to find compatible healthy organs. The double lung transplant we just saw was accomplished in no time flat and there is a reason for that. They can turn healthy prisoners into a half mil in no time flat and i for the record the fist i heard of it was in the 90’s. This has been going on for a while and all western governments are aware of it. Our group made sure of it. Trump was the first to finally handle business and we all applaud him. Bipartisanly
UV Gardener yeah no one thinks that. My opinion on tamir rice is what i have said before. Most of the shootings by police are people not complying with cops or even threatening them. They is deadly force if the perp reported dangerous. If they run while armed, then what? If you are aware as part of your job that people will in fact actually try to kill you at some point in your career then what? If you deal with the shittiest people in society professionally and you know for a fact that some of the people you encounter have weapons and show them while panicking then what? I as an american can say what i want. And that includes on this leftist propaganda garbage Shute’s page with strict euro hate speech laws in place. I do not fear them and i am bemused by your attempt to simply state what you have as if it is any sort of argument at all. It is you, who are censored. Would you have concluded that the US spread the disease if you weren’t told to? Would you had you known of the disease control center directly across the street from the market? We watched the Ethiopian WHO leader, who is a communist btw, take a bribe from china in the form of the sickness center in his homeland, and then allow the ccp to manipulate data and narrative for months during the outbreak. The first reported case was Nov. 17. They lied about its severity and let it spread. They called everyone racist for pointing out ground0 and doctored the language, they refused to call it a pandemic. And now we are all sick lol. What exactly do you think you are doing here? Talking to me about this. You absolute nutter. You stated the ccp propaganda verbatim! Who do you think you are fooling.
UV Gardener you didn’t answer or respond to my sound repudiation of your stand point in the slightest. Not surprised
UV Gardener we have freedom of religion in the us. Since it was founded. What you are attempting to assert has been untrue for 245 years. No one truly forced you to say anything and if you are chinese and in the school i was in even in the 70’s and 80s you would have beed welcomed. You misunderstand all of these issues in peculiar ways. I mean that. Its not normal. The ccp however smashed the daoist temples and their art and disbanded all but a few of its institutions. The abbots and priests are ccp board members. They are now tourist attractions. Religion was so heavily persecuted that many died or lost their freedom. Did you know that 5 million died when china took tibet? 1 million uigyrs in prison for thier religion in xin xiang province. Wake up man. You need help
UV Gardener lol you are a complete weirdo. Hey remember the death by a thousand cuts torture method maos red guard thugs and peasants carried out against class enemies in public in front of children? Wow that was great. How about that locust famine? Those damn birds had i lt coming right comrade!? Millions dead by slow death of starvation. Partially because they confiscated food to keep production numbers high for the leadership! Woow super. Lets compound sins shall we?hows that south sea rights grab going you should build more fake islands already that should help. Stuff it you charlatan. You are completely transparent.