Comments by "Azure Badger" (@azurebadger) on "Being LGBTI+ in France: The fight for equality continues • FRANCE 24 English" video.

  1.  @madselmvig1457  you’re ignoring that they have equal rights. Your political politically correct stance relies on the concept of bullying. Which happened. You’re also ignoring that it happenes to nearly all of us to varying degrees. Even violence. You ignore all left wing violence for example. Which brings us to the political aspect here. This is a propaganda rhetoric cult that appeals to the hormonally imbalanced, effeminate, logically incoherent emotive liberal type. Its movement is coopted by socialist leanings at the level of identity. Making its political action leftist to the max. This is a problem. Most of these adherents have no other sense of identity as a human being other than preferred kink and so called equality, which marxist egalitarianism patently failed in every iteration to actually achieve. It only removed rights and autonomy. Note that none of the original socialist nations offer the rights you are after for example. This coopting of identity for political power, is what this actually is. And your ‘hate speech’ law are also censorship of reasoned opposition, for the sake of the lies of political correctness. And the people advocating for their ridiculous propositions are tyrannical to the letter of its definition, as is their ideology. So to your point, i did watch it. And you are a manipulative liar. Because you address none of this, and he was right. It addressed no so called disparity in civil liberties. What you espouse is in fact privilege. And the tyranny of their fragility, emotional irrationality, and manipulative use of fake oppression, so called vulnerability, as used by women as well, as a shield against any criticism at all. Which they absolutely deserve.