Comments by "girl from the bronx by way of el barrio" (@girlfromthebronxbywayofelb7288) on "Protesters call for gun reform after deadly Nashville school shooting" video.

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  20.  @Tuscarora21  Comprehensive federal gun safety legislation would reduce the illegal guns that feed the iron pipe line. Gun traffickers who obtain guns in flimsy gun law states drive guns across state lines straight into the hands of criminals. Who would buy a gun from a weird guy's trunk? See how that works? So soft gun laws in Indiana interfere with Illinois's attempts to keep their state safe. Thanks Indiana? NYPD'S iron pipeline is the I 95 turnpike driving illegal guns from southern states with flimsy laws. In fact, according to a joint briefing with both Homeland Security and Mexican law enforcement, guns used in murders in Mexico originated from ten counties within the USA. So our flimsy state gun laws are actually supplying criminal gangs in Mexico, which destabilizes communities causing desperate immigrants, and then we have the border problem. So if Texas really cared about the border, they would have stronger gun laws. But Abbott is winning elections off this disgusting blood bath, and even went so far as to declare Texas a gun sanctuary state. No sanctuary for the children of Uvalde, but sanctuary for guns. Really? Gun regulations are not the same as no guns, just that you need a permit and there is a process. You can't walk in with money and walk out with multiple guns. Remember the shooter in Uvalde walked out with two AR 15 and more ammunition than a soldier would carry into a combat mission. And the gun vendor didn't ask any questions about that?? That could not happen in NYS. Federal legislation will reduce the "crossing state lines" problem that feeds illegal activity. In fact, the shooting in Buffalo was enabled when that hate criminal purchased materials in Pennsylvania (I believe oversized magazines) that are illegal in NYS, then drove across state lines. Also, I believe federally licensed gun vendors have more guidelines that other gun vendors. Sorry this is so long. Obviously this is a complex problem. It will probably require several small pieces of legislation. I would start with ending new sales of AR 15 and repealing PLCAA. Then we can address ghost guns, gun owner suicides, hand guns used in street crime, etc etc etc. What a mess. Wow, I am so glad that I have never owned a gun. I have lived in several "dangerous" neighborhoods, but you know what? The best crime prevention tool is your brain. Ask any cop about that. Thanks, be well, stay safe. Hug your loved ones today.
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  28. Tom A: Comprehensive federal gun safety legislation is absolutely not an "unsolvable issue." Lazy congressional representatives and those paid by the gun lobby want you to feel that way. Vote out the congressional representatives who refuse to write bills. The job of a lawmaker is to write laws. Vote them out. The AR 15 experienced very low sales when it was first introduced to the civilian market. Hunting was losing popularity as a "sport", so the gun industry needed a new way to sell guns. The AR 15 is not a true hunting rifle because it's too destructive and leaves no useable meat. So the irresponsible gun industry developed a horribly irresponsible advertising strategy: target underage males and call the AR 15 "your man card." Military styled weapons would never have been popular soon after Vietnam in a nation exhausted from war. However, much later when the draft was gone, the illusion of military behaviors without any service to the nation was a vicarious experience to sell to young males who had not yet thought deeply about their lives. That's why age limits work. The brain is very different at age 18 vs age 25. As AR 15 sales jump into the millions, public safety problems and mass shootings increase. Then the perfect storm of bad ideas. The sunset of the crime bill and the assault weapons ban (2004), the Heller decision (2008), and, most ridiculously, Bush signs PLCAA (2005) to shield gun manufacturers from the damage caused by their grotesquely dangerous products. In a post Columbine world, this is a breathtaking lack of responsibility from "leadership." Therefore, comprehensive federal gun safety legislation is needed to repair the horrific damage and reverse the trend of increased mass shootings that began in the 2000s. Gov Abbott has not been strengthening gun laws. He declared Texas a gun sanctuary state, allows for open carry without permits(over the objection of Texas law enforcement) and cut his mental health budget. Uvalde occurred soon after Abbott's horrible decisions. Gun control works. Let's pass the legislation. We have work to do, innocent people are dying.
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  43.  @wiley5oh51  Based on your post on another thread, I doubt your sincerity, but.... No new sales of AR 15, gun buybacks and mandate gun safes. That would reduce the number of AR 15 walking around the world until we can get a better handle on mass shootings. Gun safes are common sense for all weapons. In fact, there are parents on trial right now because their teen student took the family gun out of an unlocked drawer. Responsible gun owners already use gun safes Mental health assessment before every purchase. Red flag laws. Increased funding for mental health services. ( For instance, Texas has some of the softest gun laws, yet Abbott had just cut mental health funding out of the budget before Uvalde. Uvalde had one psychiatrist, one.) Age limits, permits, registration, waiting periods and training. A professional trainer would probably be able to spot concerning behaviors. If a trainer's signature is required to complete the sale, tragic mistakes might be avoided. Anyone who needs a gun the same day....hmmm ....that's a red flag right there. If they really need to mitigate an immediate threat, they need to walk into their police station. Remember, the young man in Virginia who shot his coworkers, he bought that gun the same day. The Uvalde shooter bought two AR 15 and more ammunition than a soldier brings into a military mission and walked right out with it. And no one questioned that? Thanks Texas? The troubled person in Tennessee bought 7 weapons from 5 vendors. But Tennessee has no red flags, so no way to know that's happening. Wow. Repeal PLCAA to restore liability to gun manufacturers and their own lawyers will insist on gun safety protocols at sale to demonstrate due diligence in court proceedings. PLCAA, worse bill Bush ever signed. A gun is a dangerous thing, it should be difficult to obtain. Please don't start with the second amendment. The second amendment does not prevent gun regulation. "Well regulated" is included in the first clause. The Breun SCOTUS opinion allows for regulations. The gun fan club is not aware of that, because they don't bother to read the opinions. Justice Scalia in Heller stated that gun rights are not unlimited. However, if the second amendment truly allows innocent children to die bloody horrific deaths more than once daily, then clearly the second amendment has outlived its usefulness to the nation. 130 mass shootings in 2023. The USA has a gun problem. There are no redcoats. Comprehensive federal gun safety legislation is overdue.