Comments by "RC" (@RC-9) on "Hilary Benn absolutely destroys government plan to abolish EU laws" video.

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  13.  @CashelOConnolly  oh dear you belong to the club that live in loony lefty fantasy land don’t you… 😬 you think that the world energy and inflation crisis is because the UK left the EU all those years ago and is nothing to do with the 2 year global pandemic where the worlds economies all shutdown and immediately afterwards Russia invaded Ukraine plunging European energy reserves into crisis.. You need to get out more and talk to people other than those in your student union lefty politics group… There’s loads of reasons 17.4m people voted to regain our sovereignty, independence and democracy - there’s 3 for you ! But alas I feel they would be wasted on you as you’re clearly of a mindset of not listening to anything that could possibly criticise membership of the EU gravy train club .. But I’m generous so here’s a few more… 17b saved per year, free trade deal with the EU whilst free to sign deals worldwide (many already done), freedom to implement huge critical decisions such as our amazing covid vaccine rollout vs the EU shambles, our coastal towns fishing waters regained enabling them to rebuild their ravaged industry, control of our own business regulations as clearly one size does not fit all for nearly 30 countries, immigration control - if our politicians ever get a bloody grip on it!! and of course not contributing to unelected EU lavish salaries pensions expenses butlers chauffeurs private jets etc and oh err don’t forget the £100m the EU spend (waste) on “moving desks” every 6 months… lol There’s more but it’s late now so I’m off to bed. Maybe you could provide me with your EU benefits of staying in - maybe you could change my mind.. 🤷‍♂️ nighty night 😉
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  32.  @pistonpete44  hey Pete 👋 as you don’t like utter rubbish being spouted, I feel I must correct you on your reasoning as to why the EU referendum was held.. It’s very simple… following the vote on the EEC in 1972, successive parliaments gave away, “without” any public vote or input, huge swathes of sovereignty, powers and cash to the undemocratic EU gravy train, helping the establishment build their huge empire for simply carrying out “middle man” services whilst paying themselves huge salaries, expenses, gold plated pensions, having butlers, chauffeurs and private jets and spending (wasting) £100m of EU citizens taxes every single year to “move desks”… you couldn’t make it up lol 😂 After nigh on 40+ years of this ever deepening relationship, which was only going to deepen further and further into a United States of Europe, it was time for the great British public to have their say. Do we want to be ruled by unelected EU commissioners or elected UK governments? Thankfully many Tory’s understood this and fought for this democratic action. If it hadn’t happened in 2016 it would have taken place sooner or later as the British public became more and more disillusioned as their country disappeared into the EU Empire.. Thank god this democracy took place in 2016 and its just a great shame that liars and traitors like Starmer wouldn’t accept the result - after promising they would - wasting 4 years of parliament time and money and that remoaners are unable to understand or accept democracy and get behind their fantastic country… 🤷‍♂️
  33.  @TheComputec  how many more benefits of brexit do I need to provide until you will understand that myself, 17.4m people and probably millions more who originally voted remain don’t have to share your brainwashed opinion of the EU..? All you do is cherry pick selective stats that supposedly confirm that you’re right and half the country are wrong. If I was as sad as you I could spend half my day googling stats that would state the exact opposite… but what you don’t understand too is brexit is far from just about “stats”… You don’t respond to any of the EU flaws I present, something all remoaners are absolutely brilliant at! Lol When are you going to comment on UVDLs vaccine cock up and her threat to the Irish. When are you going to comment on the EU not being democratic. When are you going to comment on the ridiculous salaries and benefits. When are you going to comment on the £100m per year WASTED to “move desks”??? Come on you chicken I’ve asked you a zillion times now.. 🐓 You completely ignore the new benefits of not being in the EU. You completely ignore those we have already utilised - eg. Covid vaccine procurement. You completely ignore that Uk Eu exports are the highest they’ve ever been. You completely ignore the huge factor to many of us that we now have sovereignty, independence and democracy back. You completely ignore a 2 year global pandemic followed by Russias invasion of ukraine. You completely ignore that after 40 years of an ever deepening EU relationship, it’s going to take time to untangle that and reap some of the rewards that will come. Worst of all - you completely dismiss, or more likely don’t have the brains to comprehend, that millions of people have been adversely impacted by the UK being “in the EU”… all you rant on about is people impacted by us not being in the EU. There’s 2 sides to this story and if 17.4m votes didn’t tell you that then there’s no hope for you mi old mate..!! 🙄 Tbh I’ve lost all respect for you, I like a good debate but when you’re too stupid to respect and understand the flaws in your own argument, your opponents views and the big picture and you just think you can throw a selective stat out that will somehow prove you right about this huge complex matter surrounded by hugely complex external factors and where 35m people all have hugely diverse experiences and feeling toward the EU, then it becomes very boring and unproductive. I’m guessing this describes you as a person to a tee… 😉 👋
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  42.  @paologat  oh and no I don’t agree with a 2nd referendum. It was a very simple 1st referendum - do we want independence, sovereignty and democracy or do we want to be part of the EU states of Europe? What’s hard to understand about that my confused friend? The great British public made their choice. What’s the point of having a referendum every 4 years because you don’t like certain parts of the negotiations - as whether we’re in or out of the EU, negotiations with them on trade, security, migration etc will go forever anyway… we’ve left the EU, we will never leave “Europe”… If we had a 2nd referendum and the country voted 52-48 to rejoin the EU, do I get the opportunity to have a 3rd referendum in 4 years when I decide that I don’t like some of the changing terms of being in the EU..?? Then in 4 years do we have another referendum because as an animal lover that you are you decide you don’t like EU allowing Spains torture of bulls and you change your mind and want to leave the EU…?? I hope this example makes you realise how stupid your argument for multiple referendums is. In your World our country would have complete stagnation forever … no wonder you admire UVDL so much as under her the EU is very much like that… lol We had democracy Paolo, it’s time for everyone to get behind their country now - like all my friends and family that voted remain have done. You can do it Paolo, and you can help your fellow remoaners convert their negative pessimism too - I have faith in you! 👍
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