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Megan Oyaski
Youtube comments of Megan Oyaski (@meganoyaski2637).
The biggest thing about this case was the fact that she had reported her error the moment she found out and NEVER tried to hide it. That is why the family forgave her, she knew she did wrong.
When I initially read the story, I was super worried for the niece. The poor baby has most definitely been abused by her uncle, and brainwashed into thinking that what hes done to her is ok. I hope she gets help, and I'm glad the son is ok as well.
Unfortunately, it is very likely that she wont be found. There's definitely a reason why her parents or legal guardians didnt notify the police until now that she was gone.
I was at a charity bingo when a woman, who I was talking to casually minutes before, suffered a heart attack and collapsed. It was horrific to watch as a bystander, as even though there were people immediately helping her and doing cpr, she didn't make it. This man is incredibly lucky to be alive!
Last year while I was at the Pittsburgh Zoo, one of their roaming Peacocks decided to investigate me while I was eating nachos. It got very up close and personal, and stupid me was too scared of the large bird to move off of and away the bench. Long story short, there's probably a few unflattering photos of me being harassed by a cheese loving bird on the Internet.
The biggest fear with homemade formula is bacteria and water. Bacteria growing in the ingredients can cause food poisoning, while dilution using water is extremely harmful as younger babies cant process it. Making homemade formula is still way better than trying to thin out regular formula with water.
Family annihilation is extremely rare and always horrific, but this is the first time I've seen an African American family as victims. Usually its caucasian men as the perpetrators.