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Zach Carter
Global News
Comments by "Zach Carter" (@zachcarter3186) on "COVID-19: Could the Delta variant derail Canada’s summer reopening plans?" video. too. However I ain't complaining. Take your ei and relax or go get a job. Hate people who think they are to good to work in soemthing they dont specialize in
Cases can go down while variant goes up....
@warrengress9428 Say u got 10 apples in a bowl. U take 5 out and introduce 3 oranges Fruit being cases Apples being previous variant Oranges being delta The fruit have dropped in number but oranges have gone up ....
Not all doctors are clinical Not all doctors are public doctors either
Love how communism isnt communism these days. I live in a communist country and can choose 1 of 30 gas stations to get gas from... Lmao U wanna see communism go to korea
Yup its official. The dumbing down of society has begun.... Mccarthyism is in full effect.
@aluminumrivet2142 Maybe ppl will pretend they knew all along. Like those ppl who said it was 5g then switched their stance saying it's a Bill Gates depopulation tactic..... Or those folks who said covid was just to get trump out of office and then switched to the vaccine chip theory.... More and more conspiracies getting debunked by the day. And people wonder why no one believes their conspiracy.....
When taking precautionary actions is considered crimes against humanity lol Next time theres a school shooting , best not lock down the school eh Next thing ya know making your kids eat their vegetables calls for a hanging lol Omg society these days is pathetic
@JJS595 That's on them Same goes for propaganda on terrorism It's not terrorism ....I'm not terrified To give them the title of terrorist is giving them the acknowledgment they want. Same for all these people who are afraid of their government because they read 1984 or follow an alex Jones podcast Basically you can find terror and fear in just about anything..... National geographic had a episode on parasites Now I'm afraid to drink water.....
@god3274 It would show the cranial cavity, giving you some information in regard to the size of the brain but it wouldnt show the brain.... I have a feeling you dont know what an xray is
@ninenikiboys3031 Doesnt mean every doctor on TV is bad tho
5% lockdowns dont work And people crying over one are sad folks with no grip on reality Like crying over minus 5 when you know its gonna get to minus 30 Weak folks are the reason we didnt do a real lockdown and the reason we are still doing 5% lockdowns. Snowflakes
@warrengress9428 That's not the argument at hand....
@koleymusic4909 No ones spreading fear....
@god3274 Ahhh shit....I've been taking to a 4th grader this whole time... No wonder you dont understand anything
@god3274 What's this fkwit phrase?
No fear control here
@god3274 Ya.... That's why it makes no sense Usually people ask if you got a brain Cause. An xray wont show that lol
@arkcon714 Theres no mandatory vaccine..... As far as restrictions go I dont care for em Being afraid has nothing to do with it.... Physical properties outweigh human emotions
@Alex Cotnam Not sure the science behind it, but I'm curious if they could give someone the vaccine and then infect them with mers or sars 03 and see if that works That would be one sure way to see if it protects against the virus entirely Cause at this rate sars is gonna be an 8 year cycle , and it would be amazing if covid 19 vaccine works on future sars
@Alex Cotnam I'm sure in the upcoming future they'll do tests to see. I'd hate to have to endure all this again in 7 or so years
@god3274 Lmao what a stupid thing to say Are you saying he's skulless lol
@gary2984234 Kinda true as covid most likely originated in the tropics . We should be hearing from zoological experts as well
Its from India. Its probably been here before the flights canceled last month
@koleymusic4909 If you are afraid ,sorry Gotta grow up and get over your fears
@arkcon714 Let's say it did come from a lab. The question then is was It intentional
@arkcon714 The other 7 arent sars.... Sars 03 Mers 2012 Its logical to assume covid 19 is zoological as well Untill proven ,the whuan theory is just a theory So far the odds. 2/3 being zoological
@vitriol9995 The argument is cases cant go down while variant cases go up. Which is mathematically proven false
@god3274 Ok.... Doesnt take away from the fact that total amount of cases can go down while variant cases go up....
As far as we know.... For all you know polio vaccine causes dementia 70 years later
@EatAPeach72 I am What does that have to do with anything?
Poor Ontario.... Come to alberta m8
Are u saying there was no outbreak on the cruise ship
The only folks who ain't sheep on this planet are those who still practice tribal culture
Depending where u live
@arkcon714 Dont know where u live but that's not the case here. We dont have freedom anyways so nothing to stand up for Restrictions have no impact on freedoms if there were any. What nonsense?
Prisoner 111 It's a choice to choose which company you support..... Theres more than coke and Pepsi btw dozens of choices The freedom to choose is still there This is no where near a communist country
@burnsmatkin9606 Heres another comparison u might get. 5% lockdown is like locking 1 door on a convertible......
@arkcon714 And that's what u think. It's still undetermined how it transferred from animal to human It being natural is more likely than a lab origin . Sars 03, mers 2012, cov 19 If it's still a mystery on the future well... If we get hit with another in 2026/27 We can safely agree cov 19 was natural
@arkcon714 Then how can the last 2 outbreaks be natural and this 1 isnt.... Sars is zoological in nature And only a handful beleive it's from a lab.....
@arkcon714 Sars is zoological in nature..... It's more believable that it crossed over than escaped a lab.... It's crossed over twice before as far as I am aware , possibly more Sars 03 ,mers 2012, cov 19 If we dont get another sars outbreak in 7 years I might buy the lab theory
@aluminumrivet2142 McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason, especially when related to communism It's just reversed nowadays Same garbage ,other side of the lake People act like rights and conservatives have clean hands when demoting the left. These folks are just as brainwashed as those who demote the right while upholding the left. Yall are lost in your own whirlpool of crap
@aluminumrivet2142 And what agenda is this I've heard so many , you'll have to explain your point
@endgovernmentextremism It's a legit scare tactic . Propaganda promoting fear in the hope that neighbors will turn in supposed enemies.... It's the exact same thing the government is doing today for covid. But now it's both sides doing it. You got these folks out here crying communism chinada at every chance they can. So many ppl who read one thing on the net and claim everyone else is brainwashed cause they havnt followed in the same path as you. Like the biggest group of morons looking at each other in a 2 way mirror It's hilarious ,just how worked up yall get
@endgovernmentextremism When I said I've seen agenda I'm talking about the fact how theres dozens of em on YouTube . This guy said he saw the un papers and such. So I ask him,not u, what agenda ? 5 years ago it was something completely different, 20 years ago it was something absurdly different, 40 years ago it's something mythical The agenda changes with the tinfoil It's never the same What happened to the one world order? Global banks? Rothschilds? Illuminati? What happened to everything that at one point was labeled truth,those who disagreed were sheep..... Forgotten I've seen dozens of theories regarding covid. I've seen dozens of theories for 9/11. Dozens of theories on nazis And it's just that.....theories Yet yall act like it's the 10 commandments
@aluminumrivet2142 I said theres so many I need you to explain which friggin one you're talking about . Jesus u guys have your heads so far up those cheeks of yours its ridiculous Arragant morons
@burnsmatkin9606 Covid is 97% global by the way
@arkcon714 Let me explain the freedom part. I live in a society where you have to get permission from the government to meet half the basic needs Cant hunt or fish, provide for the house without a license Cant build said house without a permit That's just the main ones But ya, theres no freedom when one has to get permission to use it....