Comments by "tek2095" (@tek2095) on "Trump Slashing COVID Funds to "Anarchist Jurisdictions"" video.
I live near Portland too, let's talk about what actually happened, shall we?
People were holding protests in cities against Police corruption, Trump demanded the mayors march their police in to arrest them, the mayors basically told him to suck it.
Trump's ego, being as notoriously fragile as it is due to having surrounded himself with yes men for most of his life, couldn't handle this kind of defiance. So he angrily decided so he decided he was going "teach them a lesson" by using them as in a pre-election stunt demonstrating to his electorate that he was "tough on crime".
Once he felt his propaganda media machine had sufficiently created a false image of what was going on in the cites, he sent his goons in to beat the stuffing out of demonstrators (even the ones who surrendered peacefully), and drag them off in unmarked vans.
What Trump didn't consider in his ignorance and rage, however, was how closely this mirrored the treatment of Civil Rights marchers during 1963 Birmingham. To a lot of people, what he had done shat on what civil rights groups had endured back then. The result was outrage, disgust, and inevitable backlash.
Trump being Trump of course refused to take responsibly for what he had instigated, instead opting to let his revisionists do what they do best whenever he fails: Distort reality and try to pin responsibility on to anyone remotely left-leaning.