Comments by "Alex" (@Alex-cw3rz) on "Naval Warfare Expert Rates 9 Sea Battle Tactics in Movies and TV | How Real Is It? | Insider" video.
@jimsmith997 it's obvious you don't understand what a politican is you said a Lord is one 🤦♂️, also the fact it has taken you this long to realise what the conversation was about is utterly embarrassing.
It is impossible for Beckett to be an MP as he already has a job with EIC therefore he can't be an MP, come on Jim we've been over this fact mutiple times. Now repeat after me you cannot have a full time job on a different continent and be an MP.
Right so you are just outright lying now, I thought it was ignorance but you are just lying, no by defintion of the word Lord is not a politicians, because you need to be seeking or in an elected office to be a politican, Lords are not elected, you got it yet?
The irony of your last sentence is palpable, but I think the fact you are starting to just lie now Jim, means you know I'm correct but you'll string out the conversation. All because you have a juvunile aversion to being taught something when you are proved wrong.
P.s. I do not believe you are reading my comments, due to the amount of times I have to say something to enter your brain. So the code word is cheese, if you don't say it you've proved, how dishonest you are.
@jimsmith997 how am I a troll, most trolls don't ask you to be honest... I'm glad you actually read my comment, it is a bit of a shame you still ignored some it. For example right at the start you had to ignore the fact he is on a different continent... one of the most important reasons he is not an MP, the fact you ignore this, shows how dishonest you are being, because if you did acknowledge it, it would debunk what you said. The fact not one person in two movies said he was a politican, also shows what a fool you are making out of yourself.
"Nor at this point, had political parties fully developed" this is just factually incorrect, why you'd lie like this I don't know, I understand you are out of your depth, but to lie like this is very silly.
Your entire next paragraph is just a big obfuscation with factually incorrect statements sprinkled in, you claim people would use the word politician differently back then, which by your made up defintion means they'd have call the king and civil servants, advisors etc politicans... So go on, find me one mention of someone in the house of Lords at the time the quote was made, being called a politician at the time (so not they were a politician for example)... Come on give one source, this is going to be beautiful are you going to ignore this or run away, I wonder. Judging by your past dishonesty, you are going to ignore it.
"What qualifications do you have" Ah is this going to be an attempt at an appeal to authority, due to you losing the argument.
@jimsmith997 How many times am I going to have to tell you this you cannot be in the house of Lords and be a politican as politicians are in the house of commons as they are elected, you cannot be in both at the same time, you can be one at one time, one at the other, but not at the same time. This isn't speculating on Becketts life this is basics of how the parliament works.
It was some other person who claimed Beckett was a politican, which obviously he can't be he's got a job already with the East India Company and is stationed on a different continent, then they also like you have confused the title of Lord as meaning politician, which it just doesn't.
Lord Liverpool was in the commons and then afterwards entered the house of lords, Duke of Wellington was in the house of Lords after, being a politician do you see, and there are tons of Earls of Mornington so being more specific would be helpful.
Again Politicians are in the house of commons and Lords are in the upper house.
@jimsmith997 Just to preface this you failed on the only task I sent you on, so well done you've proved nobody back then used politican in the wrong way you are using it. Just a little piece of advice there is no need to write when you have nothing to say. Please take it to heart your rambling gish gallops are not just boring but insufferable in the way they obfuscate the conversation and consistently tell falsehoods.
Now back to your inane comment, that's why I said civil servant not civil service... read what I write.
They were considered political parties at the time and were well formed.
The defintion of a politician is not whether they are heavily involved in governance, how are you this uneducated on a simple concept, as again that would mean the kings and advisors were politicans too, the defintion of politican is that they are elected or seek election in the government, something lord and kings don't do.
It doesn't make it unlikely he was not an MP it makes it impossible, just admit it, MP's being sent abroad is, totally different than my other job sent me abroad nothing to do with the government. The fact you had the gall to try and slip that past me is a testament to how dishonest you are.
And your last sentence shows you are working off a defintion of politican that is from a different dimension, just admit it. As this is getting very tedious debunking everything you say, your comment are you agreeing with everything I say and then saying but maybe he was a politician, not just do you look foolish, you look stupid.
@jimsmith997 no you've misunderstood, being in the house of Lords means he is not a polictican, they review policy, just like consultants, Civil Service, urban planners etc. Who are also not politicians but (especially in the case of the civil service) are politically influential. (Also the Lords job is exactly the same now as it was in the 18th century, so not sure what you mean by " they were still an important polictical force" as they still are now) So just to recap being in the house of Lords means he is not a polictican at that point, do you understand?
It's less likely he'd be a politican, as most employees in the British East India Company even at this level were not politicians, but it's possible, just like now if you'd be poetically advantageous for them, you are sort of garentueed a job
@jimsmith997 well yes you are a politican if you are trying to become an MP, that is correct you don't have to be elected, just trying to be elected, however that is the same then as now. And you can't become an MP if you are in the house of Lords, I have told you this mutiple times.
Just because they had more powers back then doesn't make them suddenly politicians.
Well done, for proving my point, Lord Liverpool had an inherited peerage, the fact he was a lord was nothing to do with him being a politican, get it yet?
Just to preface this I physically face palmed at your sentence it was that silly and I'm being kind here, Beckett can't be a politican for the very simple fact he already has a full time job, the fact he is a lord indicates he is in the house of Lords therefore even more not a politician.
It does preckude you from being a politican if you are in the house of Lords, have you not been listening?
The fact you are still going on a topic, it's obvious you are way out of your depth in is getting very tedious now.