Israel Military Channel
Comments by "Israel Military Channel" (@IsraelMilitaryChannel) on ""Over 25,000 Women u0026 Children Killed By Israel" Pentagon Retracts Austin Figure, IDF Denies Massacre" video.
1. Why does the US provide munitions to Israel when Israel can produce them itself? The answer is simple, US aid can only be used to purchase US made weaponry.
2. Why does the US aid Israel? Because the US gains more than Israel. Israeli technology transfer, intelligence sharing of the middle east, bases to park your logistic footprint, influence, leverage, stimulus for the US economy and military industries, and come with string attached often cutting out the competition etc..
3. What happens if the US stops aiding Israel? Israel becomes dependent on its own production line. Israel has its own defense industry and will no longer be required to be under the pressure of US interests. Receiving aid from the US makes Israel committed to US' interests and pressure. The US pressures Israel to not export Israeli made arms to certain countries deemed rogue by the US or hostile to the US. Now how much of revenue is lost annually because of this?
4. Why would the US continue to aid Israel? The aid the US provides to Israel are not free gifts. The US brokered a deal promising aid if Israel returns Sinai back to Egypt. Yes, the US made Israel give up 60,000 km2 of land (3 times bigger than Israel today) promising aid in return.
5. What will happen to Israel if the US withdraws all support and isolate Israel? The US stands to lose almost as much as Israel. Russia and China will cozy up to Israel for Israeli cutting edge technology. This will be the US and Europe's biggest nightmare, imagine Russia and China with Israeli made weapons. The US will never allow this to happen.