Comments by "RuddsReels" (@RuddsReels) on "Пол Гилдинг: Земля переполнена" video.
Many scientists agree that the Earth at it's maximum population can support 9.6 Billion people, before mass starvation happens.
We are currently at 7.600,812,087 Billion people.
I have print screened a world population clock back in 2014 and the population stood at around 7.1 Billion.
That is half a Billion in just roughly 4 years!
meaning the population goes up roughly 135,000,000 every year
So if early 2018 has a population of 7,600,812,087 people
in 2019 the population will roughly be 7,735,812,087
2018 - 7,870,812,087
2019 - 8,005,812,087
2020 - 8,140,812,087
2021 - 8,275,812,087
2022 - 8,410,812,087
2023 - 8,554,812,087
2024 - 8,680,812,087
2025 - 8,815,812,087
2026 - 8,950,812,087
2028 - 9,085,812,087
2029 - 9,220,812,087
2030 - 9,355,812,087
2031 - 9,490,812,087
2032 - 9,625,812,087
In just around 15 years time we will reach that maximum.
bare in mind I have not increases the rate at which the population increases due to more and more people breeding. So it will be sooner than stated.
People won't just sit around and starve, so I believe around 5 years before 2032, people will fight for resources. Countries won't fight each other, but individual people will fight each other and the in-group instinct will separate factions into races (mainly multicultural countries in the west).
So around 2028, you can expect mass civil wars which will engulf the world, that would make WW2 look like a nose bleed! In just 10 years time from now!