Comments by "Beth Gerow" (@kittyfan) on "Biden discusses cyber attack, says "darkest" days of COVID-19 pandemic are ahead" video.
well, yeah, because ppl are going crazy for food banks already, are about to lose their homes thanks to Pelosi holding up the help bill so you would get elected, and you're about to shut down the economy. It would help if alll your young Congress ppl would give up their vaccines, which they don't really need, and give them to the elders and frontline workers. If the vaccine isn't going to be handed out to those who need it, why are you bothering with it? YOU, MR BIDEN, said that mask mandates and total lockdowns would work.....why are you saying NOW that they obviously WON"T? (Yipes, i finally had to mute him....what a depressing speech!! if the vaccines weren't getting out under Trump, he would have fired a bunch, and then made sure that they DID get everywhere!)