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Comments by "bdog1323" (@bdog1323) on "Manosphere" channel.
That's why I just walk away or ignore certain women when they act a certain way. As someone used to say, "Don't make your problems, my problems."
"Describe in one word dating in your 40's." Women: Crying, ranting & Ugh. Me: FUN!!!!!!!!!! Never having to buy the cow when I was getting the milk for free!!!
All these women are just bashing men, making excuses about their situations to help them cope with the situation they're in. They'll never understand that marriage today is not worth it today.
And another note, if women see this video, now they'll see why more and more men don't want relationships or avoid certain women all together. Women, they are truly their own worst enemy.
The comical part is that in next few years, into the next decades, it's going to get worse, much worse for women in trying to land a husband as more & more men are wising up that marriage has no benefits for a man in today's modern world.
Just bitter women out here showcasing how they really feel about men who have options, after being told their whole lives by family, GF"s, media, social media or even daddy government, that men are SUPPOSED to take care of these older women in their declines after wasting their primes. Like the saying goes, "the juice is not worth the squeeze".
@Shadow_Banned_Conservative Well said. Reminds me of the saying, "You didn't want me in your prime, I don't want you in your decline."
The sad part is that the huge majority of modern women today will NOT give the/her man respect & appreciation is because they've been so indoctrinated with social media's likes, their feelings first, putting themselves first and the attitude of what has he done for ME lately without any repercussions or accountability. And definitely don't forget about the double standards they have as well.
One magical thing about the Wall is as the age of a woman goes up, it's also the same number of requirements she'll have for you as her "standards" now.
I don't even want to pay your part of the restaurant bill, let alone your own bills. Besides, these women are telling us their "escorts" without telling us their escorts.
Seems like the pettiest things to do, is to become a garden tool. Sure, devalue yourself all the while the men don't care.
So, she wants a participation trophy/day for being a failure at relationships, for being toxic where men don't want to wife her up & for her to have a pity party now? FFS
@niallk9336 Yeah, just like many of these women, just mad that they got played by someone playing by their rules.
Speaking of rocks, women are like rocks to me. The flat ones get skipped. 😁
With a few exceptions, it's just comical how many average at best to way below average women EXPECT/DEMAND the man of their dreams while he worships her every expectation from that relationship all while providing NOTHING to better his life.
@11C1P Ah, gotcha now. Hope the story ends with you getting an attorney trying to sue for wrongful termination. That'd been icing on that cake.
Single moms who EXPECT a man to except her kids too is such a form of entitlement. Just like the mom's and their kids come first, the single man who puts himself first though is shamed & belittled for not helping or saving these thots out.
What a shock, a 4-9er woman getting mad at getting 4's and average 5's in her DM'S. Just delusional woman math.
Ha Ha Ha, that woman explaining how to talk, meet or get guys never got the message that #1 on that list for men is to NOT be a single mother.
"I only date rich guys." Also, same bird brain logic of hers, "I never ask a man what he brings to the table."
@Vickzq Very interesting point!!
Once again without fail, more videos of women who completely DO NOT understand what men what in a woman for relationships.
That last woman is just bitter because everything she talks about is EXACTLY the reasons why MEN don't need marriage or to cohabitate.
@user-kcrpine I feel vindicated knowing that OTHER people had to go through this crap and I was NEVER going to lose half my money, assets or house because of a 50/50 proposition. Besides, why would I want the government involved in my relationships where THEY can dictate what I do with MY money? Just don't/didn't like the odds. Just better to have fun with the ladies than be tied down since the majority of them put out so easily then & today. If not more today.
These women don't want to be right, they just want to feel good about being wrong.
You should do both. React to the haters & react to the comments that you think are helpful & that you think are the best/good ones.
I used to love when women would just tell me "You're out of my league." The most hilarious looks they'd have when I'd just answer back, "Of course you are, you're in the minors, I'm in the majors." Sometimes it wasn't true but hey, those looks from them were priceless!!
That first girl is the epitome of confusion of them all. Just like they all want to be married but hardly any of them want to be wives.
How many languages do you speak or are fluent in?
Ha ha, true. For decades, the women I've known, co worked with, etc, maybe 1 or 2 out of 100's have gotten their house from divorce or inheritance. Or they were still married as older women and built something for years with their husbands.
A single dating coach giving advice to women on how to get a man. Why don't you just tell them to get financial advice from a homeless person? Or ask him/her how she decorated her cardboard box house so wonderfully? Imagine the types of women who'd actually take her advice though.
Sooooo, she's blaming the men for NOT wanting to bring BS and drama into his life with a baby momma, instead of blaming the single mothers who chose to be losers in the dating market? Way to avoid accountability loser in the dating market.
Lady, I'll give it to you that you do look younger. But in no way are men your age not going to talk, chat or look your way if they think you are younger. That's what usually men around your age will do. So they're probably not approaching you because they must know something about you or you tell them your age.
These average to way below average women will NEVER accept that many men will not find them attractive or desirable. That Wall hits hard ladies.
Aww, another post Wall woman who has nothing but shaming & belittling tactics against men. All the while she's emotionally damaged because the top men she wants, wants nothing to do with her after smashing.
And what superhero is that? Too much clown make-up on your face girl?
I swear, half these women deserve to be dumped just because of their self-pity videos.
@Captain_Misogyny Now that would've been great on video.
@1foolishcaribou195 Or worse. She kept getting pump & dumped and now she is known as "easy" or is broke. Either way that man should RUN!! Let her deal with her own results of playing dumb games. But how right you are!!
Every time a woman makes a petty video about how men suck; a woman gives ammunition to men to just ghost you and validation to ghost you. Women are truly their own worst enemies.
To men, when we hear women say, rant or declare they don't need a man, it just goes to show you how moronic, delusional & how feminism has brainwashed these YOUNGER women. And comically enough, how many videos do we now see of women crying, ranting & saying how bad the dating market is once that Wall has been hit? The pre wall & post wall double standard for sure.
All these women who claim to be in their "single girl era" are just bitter & upset that the men they want, don't want them. These women I enjoy calling Insings, the way they enjoy calling men Incels. (Insing= Involuntary Single)
These women just can't deal with the fact that MANY men just may not find them attractive, let alone any guy. They just can't deal with rejection. What makes it so much worse today is the fact that many of these average to below average women STILL think & demand a high value man in their eyes.
@Northman1963 And the best part is the women I deal or have dealt with in the past, now I get to tell them something must be/must've been wrong THEM if no man never wanted to marry them. It's a great feeling to play that UNO Reverse card on them!!!!
Gee, a guy lied to get into your pants. Wow, never seen that before. Lady, stop giving it away UNTIL you get commitment. Why would the guy want or have to deal with you or your BS when he's already smashed you? Don't get mad when you're the cow giving the milk away for free.
@DressedForDrowning Just a slang term used about somebody showing off something that is routine, everybody does or bragging about something that is normal for everyone. Basically, she's just bragging about working and earning a living while it's something that everyone does to live.
Miserable women say anything to make other women miserable.
Women need to realize that many men don't want relationships and want as little to do with women as possible. When men want as little to do with something as possible, men strip down their interactions with women to the bare necessities which means that men generally only want to be around women for as long as it takes to hook up with them.
All these women bashing on "the good guy" or "the nice guy" are the same morons that complain & say that "all men suck" when guys treat them like garbage. Sadly, over the last few decades, I've gotten more girls by ignoring them or treating them like garbage. Social media has made it so much worse for women today.
Sadly, that OF's women says "I don't care" when asked about her future kid(s) if they find out she was a p*rn actress. Even in her future she's going to just care about herself and not her family if she were lucky to have one.