Comments by "Pac Man" (@pacman3556) on "Report says $40/hour wage needed to live comfortably in Toronto" video.

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  10.  @flexxgym350  it seems that every thing was given to you if you think that everyone is like you. You are detached from reality and self entitled What does it matter how many hours I work? Your question is completely irrelevant. However to answer your question when going through school as a kid I worked a minimum of 40 hours plus went to school 40 hours. You are not the only one that worked hard. YOur thought that you are the only hard worker just reinforces that you are self entitled Lots of people work two jobs, go to school etc. You are too self entitled to see that times have changed. Every thing you claim you did I also did. I worked hard also the difference between you and me is I am not self entitled and realize times have changed. You on the other hand have your head up your a$$ Also if you have been working 2 full time jobs plus a part time job then you just reinforce the Title and Point of the video. If you think needing to work 2 full time jobs and a part time job (100 hours a week) while your wife does the same (another 100 hours or 200 hours total) just to get by makes you comfortable you just reinforce what a dystopian nightmare things are becoming. My parents at your age my mother stayed home while my dad worked one full time job for a total of 40 hours to have the exact same things you have that you and a partner need to do working 200 hours. AND my parents did it living inside Toronto. You need to work 5 times the hours the generation before you had to work to get the same things AND you had to move outside Toronto to do it. You reinforce exactly what this video is stating and contradicting yourself. Also this video is about single income earners. By bringing your wife into the equation and including her income you just further reinforce that minimum wage for a single income earner is not possible to live comfortable. Not everyone has a wife or partner they can rely on. The fact you have a wife and think everyone else should also just reinforces what a self entitled pri$ck you are. You also don't know the trades work. Not once did I ever say "not work" What I clearly said is trades is like all other jobs. You don't just walk in off the streets and just start working at $50 dollars an hour. It takes years to get to that level and you can't survive on minimum wage for years in order to get to that level. Again you clearly have your self entitled head up your a$$ And my mindset is great. As I stated I have much the same as what you have however unlike you I am not a self entitled di$ck and realize that things have changed and that not everyone has the same opportunities as I had. There are millions of people that work hard every day but don't have the same opportunities. The simple fact that you are bragging about how much money you make per month just reinforces what a self entitled out of touch di$ck you are.
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