Comments by "Remnant Disciple Lazzaro - Revelation 12:17" (@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217) on "The Rubin Report"
C L 1 P [put the period] N E T slash SexNotGender ....... sex not gender.. sigh. For me as a Rightist linguist in part.. meaning a custodian, purist, and lover of accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent language... i can't even convey at times the immensity of righteous colossal exasperation and anger to see how English is being turned into LEFTSPEAK.. i've been warning people to not give in to this linguistic lunacy for years once i saw in the last fifteen years or so this even more huge attack by the Left to further hijack and destroy intelligent English. Sex not gender, period. DNA can't be changed, you are either XY or XX, period. Confu-sexual not "trans-gender" [a lunatic false constructed barbarous linguistic hybrid that breaks all rules of philology], period. And so on. I will NOT communicate in Leftspeak, period. If you disagree, you're a Leftist or mind-controlled by the Left to communicate in Leftspeak = Devilspeak. Will you people who believe you are truly on the Right continue to allow and assist the Left to hijack and then break, bulldoze, corrode, corrupt, degenerate, degrade, dismantle, dismember, invert, massacre, mutilate, pervert, truncate, vandalise and destroy accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent English [ACOPPSI English/Rightist English] or will you finally stop capitulating?
sex not gender.. sigh. For me as a Rightist linguist in part.. meaning a custodian, purist, and lover of accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent language... i can't even convey at times the immensity of righteous colossal exasperation and anger to see how English is being turned into LEFTSPEAK.. i've been warning people to not give in to this linguistic lunacy for years once i saw in the last fifteen years or so this even more huge attack by the Left to further hijack and destroy intelligent English. Sex not gender, period. DNA can't be changed, you are either XY or XX, period. Confu-sexual not "trans-gender" [a lunatic false constructed barbarous linguistic hybrid that breaks all rules of philology], period. And so on. I will NOT communicate in Leftspeak, period. If you disagree, you're a Leftist or mind-controlled by the Left to communicate in Leftspeak = Devilspeak. Will you people who believe you are truly on the Right continue to allow and assist the Left to hijack and then break, bulldoze, corrode, corrupt, degenerate, degrade, dismantle, dismember, invert, massacre, mutilate, pervert, truncate, vandalise and destroy accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent English [ACOPPSI English/Rightist English] or will you finally STOP GIVING IN?
no such things as 'trans-' people. Confu-sexuals/demon afflicted, yes, those who call God/Jesus a liar [satan according to God/Jesus is the father of lies and teaches his spiritual children to call God/Jesus a liar] when it's impossible for Him to lie, yes, but no such thins a 'trans-' people since the word 'trans-' is ***prefix word forming element, not a shred correct English to use the word on its own.*** It's part of lunatic Leftist ideology to hijack, then bastardise, break, contaminate, corrupt, corrode, degenerate, massacre, mutilate, pervert, pollute, poison, putrefy, truncate, vandalise and destroy accurate, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound intelligent language, especially English. George Orwell passionately warned to resist this Collectivist ideological strategy they use to confuse and delude the masses.