Comments by "Remnant Disciple Lazzaro - Revelation 12:17" (@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217) on "JK Rowling’s savage transgender takedown" video.
For me a born again believer/John 3:1-21 qualified one, an elder man pushing half a century old, and as one who knows Jesus taught to speak in intelligent language/language of the Kingdom of God/Jesus not language of the kingdom of the Antichrist.. STOP using the PREFIX WORD FORMING ELEMENT 'TRANS-" [that the lunatic Leftist language laceraters have totally hijacked abused misused and corrupted] because when you do you are complying with giving them power over you by agreeing to use their Devil-speak. The word "trans-" is NOT supposed to be used as a word on it's own since it's a word forming element with rules in English word formation how to form a correct word with "trans-".... so my point is that by using their Devil-speak, we are telling them that we are submitting to their profoundly demonic delusion that supposedly these words they so immensely "corrupted-ly" and "misusing-ly" put together supposedly mean what they claim. Here's a compound word for you i have been trying to popularise for years: confu-sexual = sexually confused [due to the Devil profoundly deluding them to believe they are something they are not, which the Devil does this to again find any way to supremely affront who God/Jesus is and the order He created.]
It is quite said to read they already did the monstrous mutilation the wicked abominable surgeons call "bottom surgery" [it's like calling the horrific gruesome slaying of a person "necessary clean-up" sigh..] ... they are Monstrous Mutilation/MM a sex change, it's quite difficult if not next to impossible to fix it... i mean i think there might be a surgeon who would do their best to return things back to normal as much as possible, but again there is hard evidence from former confu-sexuals, it's quite difficult to come back from satanic inspired "surgery." I suggest above all things for people who do not know Him, to truly start getting to know the real Jesus of the Scriptures unlike you never did before in the way He commands via John 3:1-21, pray to Him to forgive you for where you transgressed against Him, and read His Holy Bible more than you ever have for He will provide the help and answers you seek, unlike any other because obviously He is God, and on a secondary measure, look up this man who "de-transitioned" [another so faux-English barbarous hybrid constructed compound word as expected from the Lefthand path walkers who are in complete confusion, delusion, illusion, mal-conclusion, disorder thus chaos - a correct English compound would be "in-delusion'] who seeks to help those under the immense powerful delusion satan is able to to beguile people into, t turn away from this profound demonic delusion;
"Walt Heyer Ministries"
Also i kindly suggest to read pieces i composed - yes some is controversial to the still not fully "red-pilled";
cl1p insert the period n e t foward slash confu-sexual
cl1p insert the period n e t forward slash sexotgender