Comments by "Remnant Disciple Lazzaro - Revelation 12:17" (@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217) on "Teacher fired for asking student to engage in critical thinking is ‘absolutely insane’" video.

  1. PLEASE STOP USING THE LUNATIC LEFTIST LACERATED LANGUAGE LIKE "TRANS-PHOBE" DEAR SWEET JESUS FOR THE LOVE OF ORWELL CORRECT ENGLISH! This compound word "Trans-Phobe" is what is known in ACCURATE, CORRECT, ORDERED, PRECISE, PROPER AND SOUND INTELLIGENT ENGLISH WORD CONSTRUCTION as a corrupted constructed barbarous hybrid, in this case of Latin and Greek. If there is not yet a word in English to describe a thing, according to correct word construction/smithing in English, and it is a compound word, you only use one of the parental languages of English, since hybridisation introduces linguistic aberration, corruption etc. 'Sex' [Rightspeak / Truespeak / Wisespeak / Oldspeak / Biblespeak] NOT 'gender' [Leftspeak / Confusionspeak / Delusionspeak / Falsespeak / Inversionspeak / Trickspeak =Devilspeak], confu-sexual [Truespeak / Rightspeak etc] NOT 'trans-gender' [Leftspeak / Falsespeak etc = Devilspeak] .. you do not use 'trans-phobic" because you will learn or know this is a sordid Leftist invention, and what is called a linguistic corrupted constructed barbarous hybrid [half Latin and half Greek] compound neo-logism that breaks rules of philology in order to be formed. If we do a correct translation it literally means; "trans-phobic" ---- "across, over, through, passing over, going across" + "awe, wonder, fear/panic" ... now ask yourself, honestly, why are they claiming this so barbarous hybrid supposedly means what they claim and should you really trust a Leftist, who have as one of their pillars, to be language hijackers and destroyers, either by intentional act or lucent linguistic incompetence, in how you construct words correctly in intelligent English? Same goes for this so corrupted degenerate construction hybrid of "trans-gender", it literally translates to; "trans-gender" ---- "across, over, through, passing over, going across" + "Creation, beginning, birth, gendered..." or it means with the second factual etymology of 'gender' also "across, over, through, passing over, going across" + "Family/Kin" ... why does the Left tell you it means something totally different?