Remnant Disciple Lazzaro - Revelation 12:17
Middle East Eye
Comments by "Remnant Disciple Lazzaro - Revelation 12:17" (@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217) on "'Dehumanisation of Palestinians can lead to genocide'" video.
As one who is a Rightist linguist/true intelligent word and language lover in part and a Bible Textuary also, the word is not genocide, the word is magna homicide, why? The barbarous hybrid 'geno' [Greek] - 'cide' [Latin] breaks rules of English word construction, it's not how a word in English is to be formed, meaning, because English is 70% Greek and Latin, then German, French, Dutch, Scandinavian etc...when you want to form a word if it does not already exist, you only form the word from one of the parental languages not more than one. The etymology [true definition] of compound word 'geno-cide' was coined by a Jewish man circa 1949/50 to mean extermination of one ethnicity, NOT more than one and thus, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians in Gaza [erroneously called Palestinians] are **NOT** one ethnicity, therefore the term to use is "magna" [Latin for 'great'] homicide ['homo' = man, 'cide' = to murder] ... Also.... one more thing about Judaism, here is what true Judaism is by their own scholars;
"J..... E...... W......" is not an ethnic term, it's a religious one = adherents to Ju-daism, the religion of the Pharisees which the Jew'ish Encyclopedia admits. Here's some more;
"Edom is modern *JEWRY*." ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Ed., 5, Pg. 41
"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew." ~ 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.
So they are not Israelites, and for the record [due your supra due diligence to learn the hard truth of this] = according to a brave remnant of Genomicists/Geneticists, it's a genetic impossibility to claim to be a genetic descendant of the Israelites, not only because the gene pool of mankind is so mixed that no one is truly 'pure' breed, but supremely because there is no way to obtain a DNA sample from a true Israelite in 30 A.D. to compare with the professing modern 2023 genetic descendants of the Israelites to verify truly if they really are the descendants of the Israelites.