Remnant Disciple Lazzaro - Revelation 12:17
Middle East Eye
Comments by "Remnant Disciple Lazzaro - Revelation 12:17" (@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217) on "Netanyahu faces backlash for evoking biblical Amalek amid heavy civilian casualties in Gaza" video.
As one who is a Rightist linguist/true intelligent word and language lover in part and a Bible Textuary also, the word is not genocide, the word is magna homicide, why? The barbarous hybrid 'geno' [Greek] - 'cide' [Latin] breaks rules of English word construction, it's not how a word in English is to be formed, meaning, because English is 70% Greek and Latin, then German, French, Dutch, Scandinavian etc...when you want to form a word if it does not already exist, you only form the word from one of the parental languages not more than one. The etymology [true definition] of compound word 'geno-cide' was coined by a Jew'ish man circa 1949/50 to mean extermination of one ethnicity, NOT more than one and thus, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians in Gaza [erroneously called Palestinians] are **NOT** one ethnicity, therefore the term to use is "magna" [Latin for 'great'] homicide ['homo' = man, 'cide' = to murder] ... Also.... one more thing about Judaism, here is what true Judaism is by their own scholars;
"J.....E......W......" is not an ethnic term, it's a religious one = adherents to Ju-daism, the religion of the Pharisees which the Jew'ish Encyclopedia admits. Here's some more;
"Edom is modern *JEWRY*." ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Ed., 5, Pg. 41
"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew." ~ 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.
So they are not Israelites, and for the record [due your supra due diligence to learn the hard truth of this] = according to a brave remnant of Genomicists/Geneticists, it's a genetic impossibility to claim to be a genetic descendant of the Israelites, not only because the gene pool of mankind is so mixed that no one is truly 'pure' breed, but supremely because there is no way to obtain a DNA sample from a true Israelite in 30 A.D. to compare with the professing modern 2023 genetic descendants of the Israelites to verify truly if they really are the descendants of the Israelites.
I agree with more than not of what you stated but as one who is a Rightist linguist/true intelligent word and language lover in part and a Bible Textuary also, the word is not genocide, the word is magna homicide, why? The barbarous hybrid 'geno' [Greek] - 'cide' [Latin] breaks rules of English word construction, it's not how a word in English is to be formed, meaning, because English is 70% Greek and Latin, then German, French, Dutch, Scandinavian etc...when you want to form a word if it does not already exist, you only form the word from one of the parental languages not more than one. The etymology [true definition] of compound word 'geno-cide' was coined by a Jewish man circa 1949/50 to mean extermination of one ethnicity, NOT more than one and thus, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians in Gaza [erroneously called Palestinians] are **NOT** one ethnicity, therefore the term to use is "magna" [Latin for 'great'] homicide ['homo' = man, 'cide' = to murder] ... Also.... one more thing about Judaism, here is what true Judaism is by their own scholars;
"J.....E......W......" is not an ethnic term, it's a religious one = adherents to Ju-daism, the religion of the Pharisees which the Jew'ish Encyclopedia admits. Here's some more;
"Edom is modern *JEWRY*." ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Ed., 5, Pg. 41
"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew." ~ 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.
So they are not Israelites, and for the record [due your supra due diligence to learn the hard truth of this] = according to a brave remnant of Genomicists/Geneticists, it's a genetic impossibility to claim to be a genetic descendant of the Israelites, not only because the gene pool of mankind is so mixed that no one is truly 'pure' breed, but supremely because there is no way to obtain a DNA sample from a true Israelite in 30 A.D. to compare with the professing modern 2023 genetic descendants of the Israelites to verify truly if they really are the descendants of the Israelites.
He's pure sionist ... if you saw videos that have been leaked out what he says in private, you WILL see how fanatical he is!
As for that word genocide;
I agree with more than not of what you stated but as one who is a Rightist linguist/true intelligent word and language lover in part and a Bible Textuary also, the word is not genocide, the word is magna homicide, why? The barbarous hybrid 'geno' [Greek] - 'cide' [Latin] breaks rules of English word construction, it's not how a word in English is to be formed, meaning, because English is 70% Greek and Latin, then German, French, Dutch, Scandinavian etc...when you want to form a word if it does not already exist, you only form the word from one of the parental languages not more than one. The etymology [true definition] of compound word 'geno-cide' was coined by a Jewish man circa 1949/50 to mean extermination of one ethnicity, NOT more than one and thus, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians in Gaza [erroneously called Palestinians] are **NOT** one ethnicity, therefore the term to use is "magna" [Latin for 'great'] homicide ['homo' = man, 'cide' = to murder] ... Also.... one more thing about Judaism, here is what true Judaism is by their own scholars;
"J.....E......W......" is not an ethnic term, it's a religious one = adherents to Ju-daism, the religion of the Pharisees which the Jew'ish Encyclopedia admits. Here's some more;
"Edom is modern *JEWRY*." ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Ed., 5, Pg. 41
"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew." ~ 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.
So they are not Israelites, and for the record [due your supra due diligence to learn the hard truth of this] = according to a brave remnant of Genomicists/Geneticists, it's a genetic impossibility to claim to be a genetic descendant of the Israelites, not only because the gene pool of mankind is so mixed that no one is truly 'pure' breed, but supremely because there is no way to obtain a DNA sample from a true Israelite in 30 A.D. to compare with the professing modern 2023 genetic descendants of the Israelites to verify truly if they really are the descendants of the Israelites.
@sherriebyese8597 [continued from last] ..... You even have the historical fact King Herod destroyed the "Tables of the Nations" [the records Israelites kept of which of the 12 brothers they came out of from Jacob] in 70 A.D. Therefore the truncated word "Jew" can be honestly argued to linguistically be from "Ju-daism" / adherent to Ju-daism thus a religious term which has to do with the word "Idumean" [Edomite] apparently but they claim it's from "Judaea" which suggests the word "Jew" is a bait-and-switch trick word - a deception, they have much of the world believing "Jew" means "of the House of Judah" when apparently this is not so since the correct word for that is "Judahite" not "Jew" or "Judean" and "Judahite" is used when you want to be specific to refer to the House of Judah descendants in the New Covenant/Testament. If you want to refer to both the House of Israel and Judah, you use the collective term "Israelites" since they came out of Israel.
Also not many years ago, there is an Israeli who authored a book, his name is "Schlomo Sand", the title of this international best seller book is *"The Invention of the Jewish People",* which is quite controversial book for it further explains in part, some of what i shared above. Also, the Jewísh Encyclopedia states regarding Khazar Jews related by blood to Kurds "These Russia Khazar Jews, today, make up 90% of world Jewry. They constitute most of the Jews who reside in America. The Sephardic Jews of Spain make up the other percentage."
So i honourably disagree with the "J.e.w.s." "coming back" into the land was meant as a modern day prophecy due to from what i know from always striving to do careful, consistent, critical, conscientious, dedicated, deep digging, rigorous Acts 17 Berean study / John 3:1-21 qualified study in the accurate, chronological, correct, ordered, precise, proper and sound first century born again Israelite mind linguistically, culturally, historically, empirically, epistemologically and supremely spiritually, the Judahites [NOT "J.e.w.s.", big difference] were brought back into the land after Babylon, and so there is compelling evidence that the so called return to Israel in 1948 is actually a complex, labyrinthine swindle by the Rothschilds and other top tier wealthy and powerful wannabe genetic descendants of Israel to fool most of the world to believe they are supposedly the true genetic descendants when even a small minority of Genomicists / Geneticists in Israel, under much controversy, state vehemently, that the gene pool of mankind is so mixed, there it is a genetic impossibility to claim one is an authentic descendant of Israel.
So for me, the Rothschilds and his fellow very wealthy and powerful clan members, have fooled most of the world that they are supposedly the true genetic descendants of Jacob/Israel which is impossible to prove and have fooled most of the world that the prophecy of the return of the [true] genetic descendants of Jacob/Israel was in 1948, not when they true Israelites returned from Babylon, which to me, is proven by corrects Acts 17 Berean/John 3:1-21 exegesis of the Scriptures.
true..... @sherriebyese8597 The word "J.e.w." according to even the J e w ' í s h Encyclopaedia, is a religious term, not an ethnic one, they have by means of deception fooled much of the world to believe it's ethnic when it suits them, but my own Bible Hebrew teacher in Israel admitted it's a religious term based on them who are adherents to "Ju-daism" which is not by any stretch of the truth the true faith of the Old Covenant/Testament [which is Abrahamic/Mosaic] but actually the the religion of the Pharisees and Scribes = the "tradition of the elders" the Christ Jesus rebuked them for. Here's proof;
"We have already seen substantial evidence that any notion of Pharisaism [or later Rabbinic Judaism] as the true and direct descendants of the Old Testament is contradicted by the most fundamental assumption of one Mishnah-Tractate after another. These stand wholly separate from the Priestly Code....and generally contradict it!" ~ Jacob Neusner, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities [Brill Academic, 1974], P. 7. - ISBN-10: 9004038973
The Universal J e w 'i s h Encyclopedia confirms that Judaism is based on the teachings of the Pharisees and not upon the Law of Moses: "The Jewish Religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature." ~ Vol. VIII P. 474 [1942].
"Edom is modern **JEWRY**." ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Ed., 5, Pg. 41
"Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew." ~ 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.
So according to their own literature buried into their dense Encyclopaedia they are not Israelites, and for the record [do your supra due diligence to learn the hard truth of this] = according to a brave remnant of Genomicists/Geneticists in Israel who have faced quite the blowback for being the small minority voice to boldly tell the factual operational science of what they discovered, *that it is a genetic impossibility to claim to be a genetic descendant of the Israelites, not only because the gene pool of mankind is so mixed that no one is truly 'pure' breed, but supremely because there is no way to obtain a DNA sample from a true Israelite in circa 30 A.D. who came out of Shem to compare with the professing to be modern day genetic descendants of the Israelites to verify truly if they really are the descendants of the Israelites.*
@Im_Sanenough Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the partial agreement with the information i presented based on my years of study of such crucial important details. However, i honourably disagree it is a "geno-cide" but rather magna homicide as i already explained. This compound word "geno-cide", has become so profoundly misused and abused by those who don't even know what the word actually means to the one who invented the term. [the following is not towards you but for those abusers, confusers, misusers of language which there are more than ever today] Sigh.. generation of parrots using the word like they know but have not one damn iota of an idea who to use the actual word. As one who is true intelligent word and language lover in part and a Bible Textuary also, it frustrates me to no end to witness the decline of intelligent English.
Lastly: Palestine, is the English for the Latin "Palaestina", which in the Greek is "Philistia", which is who the "Philistines" were. They are mentioned in the Bible many times. They disappear from history/go extinct circa 580 BC. Rome named Israel "Palaestina" as an insult to the Israelites. Palestine is the Anglicisation of Latin "Palaestina" from "Syria-Palaestina", a former province of the Roman Empire. "Philistia" is the Greek word for the English "Palestine", the people of Philistia known as the Philistines which the Holy Bible has much to state on them. As i stated, they died out more than two thousand years ago and thus the people in Gaza today are not "Philistine" and if you really knew how the Philistines lived, you wouldn't want to be Philistine unless of course you are into worshiping Dagon the fish 'god' + sacrificing babies into a raging fire unto the 'gods' [devils] where the babies are incinerated so you may get "blessings" from those "gods." Modern day Gazans and West Bank people are mixed peoples of Noah's children, thus again, they are Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians etc in Gaza [erroneously called Palestinians] *NOT* one ethnicity, so this "Palestinian nationality" term you use, to me, is incompatible with the factual comprehension of what the word "Palestine" means since the word "nation" truly implies that we have a modern day Philistine nation which we know the Philistines died out a long time ago, so i am reluctant to use such a term as "Palestinian nationality".