Comments by "" (@lynettefinnigan9540) on ""You're HUMILIATING Yourself!" Prince Harry's Phone Hacking Claims Thrown Out" video.
@wildideas7368 you just know MM is behind it all...Harry wasn't jealous of William before, I remember seeing an interview where he said "I'm the lucky one, I don't have the weight on my shoulders my brother has" meaning the Crown of course....but because MM finally realised that she doesn't get to be Queen, (not even Queen of Canada!!, what do you mean I can't have that!!)😂😂, she has obviously been hounding Harry to "get what's his", because she literally has No idea about how Line of Succession or the Monarchy works... I don't believe she didn't look up the royals, Harry, Diana and the money/assets, etc.... of course she did!! Every detail!! But never bothered to find out what they do, how it works, what she'd be expected to do, etc etc.